I thought this deserved a response all of it's own, so I apologize for breaking your post up a bit.
Originally Posted by berkeley
First, I would like to express my sincerest apologies. You really annoy me at times. However, if I was in your state I would want someone like myself to extend mercy, and pray for me.
Thank you for your kind words. And, I'd like to say that I welcome any prayers for me regardless as to what state I'm in. I have ups and downs like everyone else. I need your prayers when I'm on the mountain top, and when I'm trudging through the valley low. I admit that God isn't finished with me yet. In the darkest hours I face, I think that's the hardest thing for me to remind myself. Any prayers are always greatly appreciated.
I am not sure that I will not jump on the stone Chris the stoner with stones bandwagon again, as I justify my behavior on AFF; I blame my actions on several maladies that I suffer with and from. Hypertension, hypo and hyperglycemia, hyperbole, and mad cow disease.
No hard feelings. Sadly, much of what people think they know about me is from what others have said about me. Few actually PM me and ask me if I'm joking, stirring the pot, being facetious, or when I'm serious. Few want to know details about anything I've mentioned directly from me. I don't have anything to hide. The good, the bad, the ugly, it's all here. I've admitted to things that most would never admit to publicly. I could have put on quite a show and put forth an image of a perfect me. But it would be a lie. I'm not always that perfect. But... I wanna be. I really do.
So, please accept my apology. Yea, and Amen.
You're apology was accepted before you spoke it bro. I understand what happens here. You're good. I think we've all been there a time or two.
God bless you and yours.
I've never been called a "stoner" anywhere else before other than here on AF.

From my senior year of high school until today, I can count my experiences with cannabis on one hand (that's roughly a 24 year period). From the sounds of it, many of my detractors have far more experience with it than I do. But they've colored the water in such a way, one might think I'm over here tokin' away like Cheech Marin. lol I personally found it an interesting conversation based on my PTSD, the growing data for its medical applications, legislation being drafted in multiple states to legalize to lesser and greater extents, and talk growing in favor of legalization in Congress. I tend to look ahead sometimes. Right now, recreational use of cannabis is still illegal in most states, about half have statutes for medical use, and right or wrong... the reality of legalization is growing. That means, cannabis will be something we'll have to grapple with more thoughtfully at some point, especially if taken for medical reasons. Maybe we can revisit some of the discussions on it when that day comes. If all that makes me a "stoner"... well... what can I say? I have little control over the names people call me.