Originally Posted by BuckeyeBukaroo
I disagree. It is NOT POSSIBLE for any person to be banned from posting on a public thread. Telling someone not to post on a public thread is pointless. But if that person's behavior is that "unseemly", then that person should just be banned from the web forum period.
No, it doesn't work that way. Each person will have a differing view of what they want to see and read on a forum, and from whom. Two people may not see eye to eye on a lot, or anything at all, and for that reason, justified or not, one may ask the other to stop interacting with them, even if the interactions in and of themselves, are not worthy of a ban.
Now, whether or not the person asked responds in kind and honors the request is largely out of the control of the one asking, and maybe the admin stays out of it, and maybe not. Each situation will call for its own approach.
AFF is not a church, but in the church, a member may not be asked to leave or be officially ex-communicated by the leadership, and yet, individual saints within the assembly have the right to decide if brother or sister so and so is someone with whom they want to spend time, or have over, or be a part of their lives, because there may be problems that would cause undue stress or other carnal challenges, not worth experiencing, even though that brother or sister is permitted the right to be a part of the assembly, for whatever reason.
And in that light, someone here at AFF might like to do something similar.
2 Thessalonians 3:14-15,
14. And if any man obey not our word by this epistle, note that man, and have no company with him, that he may be ashamed.
15. Yet count him not as an enemy, but admonish him as a brother.
This verse shows that the brother is not excommunicated from the assembly, as he is still present receiving admonishment, and yet, regular "company" is not kept with him, until he learns obedience.