Originally Posted by Holy Roller
I didn't know that Linda Gibson was with the Church of God (Cleveland). I guess I learn something knew everyday.
In discussing the original topic about the piano, I would really like to play the piano. Many piano players have told me that I certainly have the long fingers for it, but I've yet to get serious about wanting to learn.
Actually, my aspirations have been cooled since I had a pastor say (not directing to me particularly) say that men that play the piano tend to be effeminate, while ladies that play the bass and drums often act masculine.
It just kind of quivered my intentions so I haven't made any progress.
Never let an ignorant opinion stall your own development. There is nothing effeminate about piano, or any other instrument for that matter. David played a harp, and Miriam played a hand drum, correct?
Just don't wear frills at recitals or performances.