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Old 03-20-2018, 06:42 PM
Barb Barb is offline
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Re: Current UPC article of faith and TV/theaters??

Originally Posted by aegsm76 View Post
The UPCI did not "sack" him.
At least that is not the way I remember the events.
thank you!

Last edited by Barb; 03-20-2018 at 08:11 PM.
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Old 03-20-2018, 06:42 PM
Barb Barb is offline
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Re: Current UPC article of faith and TV/theaters??

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
What's your goal?
My sentiments exactly...
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Old 03-20-2018, 07:05 PM
RachelRose RachelRose is offline

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Re: Current UPC article of faith and TV/theaters??

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
What's your goal?
What is my goal?

1) to listen to the Saints here that may have opinions or experiences that I have not had that just may improve my walk with Christ.
2) as for the TV and the theaters, my goal is to say it often as I can; true followers of Jesus Christ have no need for such garbage.

Aquila can correct me if I am wrong on this point (I love his depth of study).

In the days of the apostles the Greeks and Romans had very sophisticated theater. They built huge coliseums and even staged sea battles in the middle of the city. Banks could loan money and there was plenty of roads to bring in the crowds.

My point is this: the apostles used none of technology of that day to spread the Gospel. They could bought land. They could have built buildings. they could have hired a live band. They could have spent money on fancy clothing. The could made contracts. They could have booked the best speakers. They could have even went to the un-saved, locale meeting places and told the story. Ooops they went to Mars Hill.

They could have done everything that we are doing today on TBN but they didn't. They could have created puppet shows. They could have had magic shows. They could have had passion plays. They could have even put on the Dickens story of the "Christmas Carol" which I boycotted and took all sorts of heat over. THEY DID NONE OF THAT.

They did not have to. They touched the Lord. They ate with the Lord. They walk with the Lord. They had something in them that we do not have in this day and age. We busy ourselves trying to get to FB or TBN or cells phones or who knows what else but leave the power behind. I move around in much assembly. You know what burns my skirts...seeing parents running the isles and the children are sitting there on their CELL PHONES. I pray all the time those stupid things would just blow up in the church! Giving children cell phones and iPADS at the age of six is death. They cannot pray but boy they can text.

I tell you the day the power goes out those churches will be empty.

What is my goal, to keep on saying it over and over again; we substitute the power of God for technology.

Sorry for the rant. It is not very Christian but now else cares and I thought you might understand.
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Old 03-20-2018, 08:05 PM
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Evang.Benincasa Evang.Benincasa is offline
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Re: Current UPC article of faith and TV/theaters??

Originally Posted by RachelRose View Post
What is my goal?

1) to listen to the Saints here that may have opinions or experiences that I have not had that just may improve my walk with Christ.
2) as for the TV and the theaters, my goal is to say it often as I can; true followers of Jesus Christ have no need for such garbage.

Aquila can correct me if I am wrong on this point (I love his depth of study).

In the days of the apostles the Greeks and Romans had very sophisticated theater. They built huge coliseums and even staged sea battles in the middle of the city. Banks could loan money and there was plenty of roads to bring in the crowds.

My point is this: the apostles used none of technology of that day to spread the Gospel. They could bought land. They could have built buildings. they could have hired a live band. They could have spent money on fancy clothing. The could made contracts. They could have booked the best speakers. They could have even went to the un-saved, locale meeting places and told the story. Ooops they went to Mars Hill.

They could have done everything that we are doing today on TBN but they didn't. They could have created puppet shows. They could have had magic shows. They could have had passion plays. They could have even put on the Dickens story of the "Christmas Carol" which I boycotted and took all sorts of heat over. THEY DID NONE OF THAT.

They did not have to. They touched the Lord. They ate with the Lord. They walk with the Lord. They had something in them that we do not have in this day and age. We busy ourselves trying to get to FB or TBN or cells phones or who knows what else but leave the power behind. I move around in much assembly. You know what burns my skirts...seeing parents running the isles and the children are sitting there on their CELL PHONES. I pray all the time those stupid things would just blow up in the church! Giving children cell phones and iPADS at the age of six is death. They cannot pray but boy they can text.

I tell you the day the power goes out those churches will be empty.

What is my goal, to keep on saying it over and over again; we substitute the power of God for technology.

Sorry for the rant. It is not very Christian but now else cares and I thought you might understand.
You boycotted CD's Scrooge, where?

Please by all means, tell us.

Where do you go to church now?
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
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Old 03-21-2018, 07:46 PM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Current UPC article of faith and TV/theaters??

Originally Posted by RachelRose View Post
What is my goal?

1) to listen to the Saints here that may have opinions or experiences that I have not had that just may improve my walk with Christ.
2) as for the TV and the theaters, my goal is to say it often as I can; true followers of Jesus Christ have no need for such garbage.

Aquila can correct me if I am wrong on this point (I love his depth of study).

In the days of the apostles the Greeks and Romans had very sophisticated theater. They built huge coliseums and even staged sea battles in the middle of the city. Banks could loan money and there was plenty of roads to bring in the crowds.

My point is this: the apostles used none of technology of that day to spread the Gospel. They could bought land. They could have built buildings. they could have hired a live band. They could have spent money on fancy clothing. The could made contracts. They could have booked the best speakers. They could have even went to the un-saved, locale meeting places and told the story. Ooops they went to Mars Hill.

They could have done everything that we are doing today on TBN but they didn't. They could have created puppet shows. They could have had magic shows. They could have had passion plays. They could have even put on the Dickens story of the "Christmas Carol" which I boycotted and took all sorts of heat over. THEY DID NONE OF THAT.

They did not have to. They touched the Lord. They ate with the Lord. They walk with the Lord. They had something in them that we do not have in this day and age. We busy ourselves trying to get to FB or TBN or cells phones or who knows what else but leave the power behind. I move around in much assembly. You know what burns my skirts...seeing parents running the isles and the children are sitting there on their CELL PHONES. I pray all the time those stupid things would just blow up in the church! Giving children cell phones and iPADS at the age of six is death. They cannot pray but boy they can text.

I tell you the day the power goes out those churches will be empty.

What is my goal, to keep on saying it over and over again; we substitute the power of God for technology.

Sorry for the rant. It is not very Christian but now else cares and I thought you might understand.
You are correct, the Apostles didn't have church buildings, fancy clothes, the internet, television, radio, incorporation, electricity, or tax exemptions. Yet they turned their world upside down.

I'm not going to say one will go to Hell over going to a movie or occasionally watching television. But I will say, if one allows their mind to become saturated with the ways and thinking of the world they will find themselves so unlike Christ, they will lose their soul. There really isn't anything we need in those things. You are what you eat. You become what you saturate your mind with. So be it movie theaters, television, or internet streaming...be careful little eyes what you see. Control and limit your intake of entertainment. And yes, to avoid it entirely is ideal. God's most highly decorated saints aren't going to be those who watched syndicated television every night. But Hell will be full of those folks.

Friendship with the world is enmity against God.

I learned a painful lesson tonight. I'm still processing what happened. But the world is no friend of the Apostolic church of Scripture. Evil communications corrupt good manners.
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Old 03-22-2018, 12:00 PM
derAlte derAlte is offline
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Re: Current UPC article of faith and TV/theaters??

From what I have observed over the years, the spiritual state of churches is always in flux. Pastors constantly deal with spirits that influence the thinking of church membership. It is a continuum, not a fixed state of being.

Sometimes a pastor must chose his battles. Often there are more serious issues that need to be dealt with depending upon the maturity level of the congregation. There is no such thing as a perfect church and every congregation is a work in progress. Just because a pastor has not dealt with certain issues NOW, doesn’t mean he is a compromiser or he lacks integrity. He may have a lot on his plate and hasn’t gotten to the issue of sanctified eyes just yet. Give him some time. If he is a godly man in tune with the Holy Ghost, with a desire to preach the whole counsel of God, then you can be assured the issue will be addressed eventually.
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Old 03-22-2018, 12:05 PM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Current UPC article of faith and TV/theaters??

Originally Posted by derAlte View Post
From what I have observed over the years, the spiritual state of churches is always in flux. Pastors constantly deal with spirits that influence the thinking of church membership. It is a continuum, not a fixed state of being.

Sometimes a pastor must chose his battles. Often there are more serious issues that need to be dealt with depending upon the maturity level of the congregation. There is no such thing as a perfect church and every congregation is a work in progress. Just because a pastor has not dealt with certain issues NOW, doesn’t mean he is a compromiser or he lacks integrity. He may have a lot on his plate and hasn’t gotten to the issue of sanctified eyes just yet. Give him some time. If he is a godly man in tune with the Holy Ghost, with a desire to preach the whole counsel of God, then you can be assured the issue will be addressed eventually.
When holiness and purity of heart is preached, there is no need to make a rule banning the thousands of things that grieve the Holy Spirit. If one receives the message, they will wince, be troubled, made uncomfortable, and desire not to watch, that which is unholy.

I confess. I have a television. But I don't watch cable or syndicated programming. We have an Amazon FireStick. We deliberately choose ahead of time what we're going to watch based on rating, content, and message. And Friday or Saturday night are usually "movie night". Sometimes we'll watch something midweek if desired and time permits. More frequently we'll stream music and various videos from YouTube. We've also streamed Little House on the Prairie, Gilligan's Island, Veggie Tales, Mork and Mindy, and Star Trek. lol Those provide a number of short shows that are quite clean compared to what is on syndicated television and in the movie theaters today.

Last edited by Aquila; 03-22-2018 at 12:10 PM.
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