Originally Posted by TalkLady
It is too much of a burden to feel God is still holding all my sins over me. If I understood the pastor, he said when something goes wrong in his life, he remembers back to things he did before he got in church and understands “why” the bad things happen.
Without hearing the sermon, I'm not sure what he meant.
However, I do know that sometimes our past choices can come back and bite us in this life. It's not so much God holding our sin over us any longer, those are long gone. It's just life.
For example...
If I went years without paying my taxes and I get saved and start filing my taxes... eventually the IRS is going to send me an audit for the years I didn't pay. They might even press charges. But that isn't God doing this. All that's forgiven as far as God is concerned. It's now between me and the IRS.
Now, if this was intended in the "spiritual sense", all I can say is that the NT doesn't teach "karma". God isn't holding anything against you any longer. It's all forgiven. Under the blood.
I might be way off here... what if what you're feeling isn't "God" holding your past sins against you?
What if it is... you?
Sometimes we can be very sensitive to the reality of past sins we've committed. They can haunt us if we let them. And then, when things go wrong, it's easy to think, "I deserved that. I remember way back when I..." It's easy to think that the pastor is talking about that sin from way back before you made things right. Why? Because we haven't let go of the guilt or the shame. And as a result... our own conscience leaves us feeling condemned. But the Bible says:
1 John 3:20
For if our heart condemn us, God is greater than our heart, and knoweth all things.
When your own heart condemns you like this, I want you to know, God is greater than your heart. And God knows all things. God knows the guilt, the shame, the regret. God knows that if you had to do it over again, you wouldn't do whatever it was you did. God knows that this troubles you so. And God is there offering His mercies every day, and whatever it is we've done... is cast into the depths of the sea. God has forgive you and you are justified before Him, meaning He sees you as though you never sinned... and never will. All of it has been carried to the cross and atoned for. You are a new creature. A new person. You are a child of God.
Sometimes our greatest battle is... forgiving ourselves. Forgive yourself. It's over. Forgive yourself, let it go.
Forgive me, if I'm way off base here. If this isn't for you, perhaps it is for someone else. Over the internet, I can't offer much. But if you feel that this might be for you, I offer you a song to listen to as you pray. I'll say a prayer for you too.
May God bless and keep you.