Originally Posted by hammondb3klingon1
I like Steak. You like Pork Chops. I do not eat Pork because it is nasty. We will both die due to high cholesterol. Why fight about which meat you do or I don't eat. Let's all eat steak because only the steak eaters are going to heaven. <- That is what some of this bickering sounds like to me-> Fighting for no cause.
The problem my friend is that some will say God told them to eat only steak and forsake pork chops, and further that those who eat the other white meat are sinners and part of Egypt. Others will say their interpretation of the word and divine revelation indicates they are to be separate and only to eat Salmon and the steak and pork eaters are not in the bride.
This is the fodder of religious wars from the beginning of time, I don't think we are going to be able to solve it here.
We are only witnessing a microcosm.