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08-06-2017, 09:47 PM
Unvaxxed Pureblood too
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 40,356
Re: Help! Tormented dreams
Genesis 40:5-8
And one night they both dreamed—the cupbearer and the baker of the king of Egypt, who were confined in the prison—each his own dream, and each dream with its own interpretation. When Joseph came to them in the morning, he saw that they were TROUBLED. So he asked Pharaoh's officers who were with him in custody in his master's house, “Why are your faces downcast today?” They said to him, “We have had dreams, and there is no one to interpret them.” And Joseph said to them, “Do not interpretations belong to God? Please tell them to me.”
Both cup bearer, and baker had tormenting dreams.
Yet, when they were asked about their discomfort concerning the dreams they were told that God was the one who would give the answer.
I have shown in this thread that we don't have dreams which come from demonic attacks. They are meant to be warnings, the verses given show that those who had these dreams where troubled, because the dreams, but all received their answers from God. Not from any Shaman in a Hawaiian shirt.
God isn't the author of confusion or illusion.
Also when people start telling you that not everything was mentioned in the Bible? Stand back, turn and run. Because they are about to whip out the top hat, drop in the peep stone, then start interpreting visions from an disguised angel of light.
John M. Allegro believed that Jesus and the apostles used psychedelic mushrooms. Allegro was an eccentric scholar who while studying the Dead Sea Scrolls tied Jesus to the Essenses to the Amanita Muscaria mushroom. Where does he find this proof? By creating his argument based on conjecture. later he would concluded that Jesus didn't even exist.
Also, a plea that we should ignore book, chapter, and verse and replace it with personal experiences? We should then also throw in Big Foot, UFOs, and Sea Monsters sunbathing in Scotland.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
Last edited by Evang.Benincasa; 08-06-2017 at 09:57 PM.

08-06-2017, 09:49 PM
Unvaxxed Pureblood too
Join Date: May 2007
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Re: Help! Tormented dreams
Originally Posted by Aquila
Some things are discerned through the Spirit.
Look, one can find videos and countless articles denouncing tongues, visions, prophecies, healings, money grubbing evangelists, etc. as being fraud or of the devil.
There is faith and experience, and there is doubt and denial. There are those who believe those who are oppressed and help them find deliverance, and those who will mock them and tell them it's all in there head.
We're Apostolic. I believe if you took a phone book and randomly called 5 Apostolic pastors and asked them if demons can attack through influencing dreams, nearly all would affirm that it does indeed happen.
You can also randomly call 5 Pentecostal pastors and have them tell you a woman's hair commands angels.
Good God from Zion.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence

08-07-2017, 05:16 AM
Join Date: Dec 2007
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Re: Help! Tormented dreams
Can demons influence thought?

08-07-2017, 08:32 AM
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Re: Help! Tormented dreams
if Christ is in you and you are in Christ then the enemy doesnt see you...he sees Christ...UNLESS he can get you to step out and respond or react in a way that is not like Christ. Hes just lobbing bombs and noisemakers trying to get a unChristlike response from you.
See, if the old Jediwill83 is truly dead, I wont respond as the old me would. The enemy doesnt have any power over the new me, but if I bring back the old me...Im fair game.
If I let doubt, fear, my flesh rise up and dont keep it under subjection, that is where the enemy has some indirect power by manipulating me to behave not like Christ would.
Blessed are the merciful for they SHALL obtain mercy.

08-07-2017, 09:08 AM
Join Date: Dec 2007
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Re: Help! Tormented dreams
Originally Posted by jediwill83
if Christ is in you and you are in Christ then the enemy doesnt see you...he sees Christ...UNLESS he can get you to step out and respond or react in a way that is not like Christ. Hes just lobbing bombs and noisemakers trying to get a unChristlike response from you.
See, if the old Jediwill83 is truly dead, I wont respond as the old me would. The enemy doesnt have any power over the new me, but if I bring back the old me...Im fair game.
If I let doubt, fear, my flesh rise up and dont keep it under subjection, that is where the enemy has some indirect power by manipulating me to behave not like Christ would.
I believe that evil spirits can speak. They can communicate. However, they are spiritual and as a result they cannot be heard with the natural ear. Yet, they can freely communicate with other spiritual beings. While man has a physical body with physical senses, man is also a spiritual being having a soul. And so, I believe that on level imperceptible to the human ear, a spirit can whisper into the human soul. This come as temptations, suggestions, discouragements, etc. If we are not careful, since we do not hear an actual voice with our natural ears, we can think that these thoughts are our own. Let me demonstrate the power of communication upon the mind. I'm going to type something and I want you to read it. Here goes....
Red ball
Now, the vast majority of people who read that line above will instantly picture a "red ball" in their minds. I have no power to control their minds. I have no power to read their minds. But by the mere power of a "word" I injected an image from my mind to your mind. The big benefit here is, you know it's coming because I told you it was coming. In addition, you're reading the text, not really hearing me speak. But what if I could speak to you in a manner below your physical sense of seeing (as used in reading the line above) or your physical sense of hearing (which is how must of us receive the thoughts of others as they express them through spoken words).
Now, imagine a spirit whispering to you in a manner that can't be heard with the human ear, but that can be heard by the soul. Let's say that a demon said the phrase "red ball" while you were cooking dinner. What would happen? You'd be tenderizing steak for the grill and suddenly think of a red ball. Now, demons don't go around influencing us to think about red balls or soccer balls, etc. Instead, while we're doing something innocuous, they whisper things like, "That James at work, he's a real jerk. I oughta fix him." Or, "That Sally Sue, she flirted with me, she is kinda hot." And if we are not very careful, we'll think that these words are our own minds wondering into these topics and if we're not careful the flesh will rise up to great the thought, and often build upon it, linger with it, cultivate it, and begin to fixate upon it. Before you know it, you're thinking about Sally Sue in an inappropriate way because the flesh and the carnal mind began to respond to that first demonic thought impressed upon the mind. Then a second fiery dart comes your way, the demon whispers, "We're leaving town next weekend for the conference. I wonder if she'd like to hang out." Guess what you start thinking... exactly that. And you think it's you! Next your flesh stirs, and the flesh is very pleased with the idea. At this point, a seasoned saint will know that those thoughts do not originate from the new nature of the Holy Spirit residing in them. A seasoned saint will realize, they are under a subtle spiritual attack and they will take their thoughts captive and rebuke that spirit and any notion of looking at Sally Sue like that.
And that's an example of the battle we might face while awake. What about when we sleep? Do evil spirits cease their assault on our minds? Nope. They continue to impress thoughts, scenarios, discouragements, etc. upon our minds, whispering over our sleeping heads and this can influence our dreams. I assure you, if you fell asleep and I whispered "red ball" repeatedly over you while you slept for let's say a month... at some point, you'd start dreaming about a red ball.
Notice... the demons aren't in us. We're not possessed. They are outside of us. Notice they aren't working some kind of "magic" or projecting any strange new agey kind of energy. They are simply whispering things in the spirit around us that are being picked up by our souls.
Now, if we live lives of prayer and walking in the fullness of the Holy Spirit those spirits will not come near us. Because as we pray, speak the Word of God, live devotionally, and model Christ... those realities are processed in their minds. And they can't stand it. It reminds them of how utterly doomed they truly are. Imagine a spirit attacking your mind with subtle suggestions and you rebuke it and say, "Satan, the blood of Jesus is against you." What goes through that demon's mind? The cross. The blood. The Savior Jesus. The very event that sealed their defeat and will render them forever condemned in the lake of fire. They hear the name, "Jesus", and they see Him shining in their minds. This terrorizes them. They can't stand to have the thought of Jesus, His authority, His blood, or His power brought to bear upon their consciousness. If they were physical, and you simply said, "Jesus has defeated you.", they'd go into fits of rage, terror, and anxiety. They'd have a nervous break down right in front of us.
The battlefield is the mind. It's not a realm of magic and fantastic energies, and powers. It's the mind. They effect us by interjecting thoughts of temptation and sin into our minds. We send them to flight by bringing the reality of Christ to bear upon their minds through our words of rebuke and our command that they be bound and cast out.
It's not magic. It's a battle of words.
Now, please also note... not every carnal thought is from a demon. But if you pay close attention to the thoughts that pass through your mind, you'll notice that on occasion, some are a little... different. They don't reflect you at all. Not even the carnal you. It is at that point that you need to realize that you're under an attack.
Christians and unbelievers who believe these attacks and think they are actually thinking these things often give into the temptations or allow the discouraging thoughts to defeat them. When one is believing the lies of these devils and living defeated lives under their influence, this is oppression.
Last edited by Aquila; 08-07-2017 at 09:13 AM.

08-07-2017, 09:05 PM
Unvaxxed Pureblood too
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 40,356
Re: Help! Tormented dreams
Originally Posted by Aquila
Now, please also note... not every carnal thought is from a demon. But if you pay close attention to the thoughts that pass through your mind, you'll notice that on occasion, some are a little... different. They don't reflect you at all. Not even the carnal you. It is at that point that you need to realize that you're under an attack.
Christians and unbelievers who believe these attacks and think they are actually thinking these things often give into the temptations or allow the discouraging thoughts to defeat them. When one is believing the lies of these devils and living defeated lives under their influence, this is oppression.
Chris, with your situations where you have carnal thoughts, are those demons speaking to you?
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence

08-07-2017, 09:12 PM
Join Date: Dec 2007
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Re: Help! Tormented dreams
Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa
Chris, with your situations where you have carnal thoughts, are those demons speaking to you?
Rarely. In small random attacks like that, I've found that if I resist the evil spirit, and pray, it will flee.
In the past 5 years, I've only had to engage in deliverance style spiritual warfare twice.
Last edited by Aquila; 08-07-2017 at 09:16 PM.

08-07-2017, 09:12 PM
Unvaxxed Pureblood too
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 40,356
Re: Help! Tormented dreams
Originally Posted by Aquila
Can demons influence thought?
During this past 4th of July, do you feel that they were able to influence your thoughts? I'm being serious.
Originally Posted by Aquila
I thumbs upped it because it's the Scripture, and no matter what it is true. Even if I find myself not being able to live up to it or fully understand it all. I've tried trying. I've tried trying harder. I've done the legalism thing (you've beat up me thoroughly with it already, I get it). I've tried not trying at all and simply relying on some "new nature" to guide me. I've tried praying until I just sit and stare not knowing what else to confess, to repent of, or to do. I've tried to just focus on loving God and loving others, and still that wasn't enough. And... so far, nothing has worked for me. I might get as far as a day or two without sinning and then, I'm flat on my face again. Rather it be anger, lust, covetousness, etc... in a day or two, I'm back on the ropes. I think I hear the Spirit whispering "grace", but nobody believes in that sloppy agape, even I can't grasp it. I mean, why would God pardon me when I can't stop sinning? Sometimes I want to scream into the heavens, "I hate what I am, I didn't ask to be born. If this is some kind of sick joke, can you please just hurry up with the punchline? You win. I'm tired. I don't want to hurt anyone... I just want to be... happy."
I've tried ultra-cons, I've tried liberal churches, I've tried so called moderate churches, I've rolled with the Reformed, charismatics, etc. Every last one of them was a joke. All of them were equally "trying" whatever it was they thought was the answer (some even trying hard to not try! lol)... but all were failing miserably.
I listen to all the sinless holiness talk... but NO ONE has yet to step up to the plate who is actually living the sinless life the Bible demands and show me how to get this right for a change.
I've tied a knot at the end of the rope and I'm hanging on for dear life. But, I'll be honest... sometimes just the thought of walking away from it all allows me to breath easier.
I'm not being a jerk here guys. I feel like crying. But I've cried over this for so many years, and it hasn't helped yet.
I feel like I'm drowning. And the closer I feel that I get to God in prayer, the more evident it becomes that I'm a wretch. An absolute failure. It's the most depressing feeling, I can't even describe it. It's like an utter hopelessness. I've excelled in so many areas of my life most would think I have nothing to fear or that could make me feel like a failure. But this does. And this is what has always mattered most to me. Everything else from military service to what I do for a living now doesn't mean anything to me compared to this. But this is the one thing I feel God dangling in front of me... and I've discovered, I can't ever reach it, grasp it, and attain it.
I need help. I need someone who is actually living this thing to show me how it is done. Broad theological discourses are often like communism. They sound good on paper... but when applied... it still doesn't work. Every mentor and pastor I've had was flawed. I'm not going to bash them and list the things I discovered in their closets, but they weren't living it. They were great people, but they didn't even have the victory the Bible speaks of.
I'm hurting, I'm tired, and I really want to get this with all my heart... but I'm feeling really, really, discouraged. I dig politics because it isn't so close to home for me. We can debate economics and politics all day and I can ignore the pain I feel spiritually. But the reality is... I can't bring myself to give up... but if I could, I would.
I'm no victim. I'm to blame for my condition. No devil made me like this. No preacher made me this way. But I have yet to find the secret to all of this.
I really feel hopeless today.
I understand that you believe it isn't the devil, but with what you have been posting here, do you feel like it is?
I don't, but do you?
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence

08-07-2017, 09:36 PM
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 31,124
Re: Help! Tormented dreams
Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa
During this past 4th of July, do you feel that they were able to influence your thoughts? I'm being serious.
I understand that you believe it isn't the devil, but with what you have been posting here, do you feel like it is?
I don't, but do you?
This past 4th of July was rough. My PTSD really came in full force. Hadn't had an episode like that in a couple years. Watching buddies die in the Army, working as an EMT and the things I saw, losing my grandfather in my arms, having to pull the plug on my mother, and losing my father this past December. I was a medic. It's hard to handle the fact that I couldn't save them. Then having you mock my experiences constantly, throwing the tragedies into my face for sheer enjoyment, which caused them to become a focus of my thoughts. It all came rushing in. I felt very defeated. In a very real way, you helped trigger the attack.
So, I wouldn't doubt some spirit was agitating the attack. You know, Satan uses you too accuse me and berate me, dragging up my past, and mocking the wounds I bear in my soul. And you do it nearly daily. That's a spirit bro. But I honestly think you've not considered how irrational your desire to literally destroy my spirit is. And I think the enjoyment you get out of it says more than anything I can say. I only pray that you come around and realize how irrational it has been. That will be the first step in the right direction for you. In fact, for us. And if you need a friend, or prayer, I promise I'll be there. Believe it or not, we're in this fight together, and not as adversaries.
Why don't you offer to pray with me? I'll tell you. Your agenda isn't born of prayer, that's why. That should trouble you. That's a big red flag. Your obsession with me is for a reason. And I already see it manifesting. And it will be awesome. It will bewilder many on here. Lol
So, when Satan drags up the past to hold it against me, I will remind him of his future. So, come what may. He's already defeated.
The blood of Jesus has already defeated the enemy.
Let him know that for me. Okay?
Last edited by Aquila; 08-07-2017 at 09:53 PM.

08-07-2017, 10:02 PM
Unvaxxed Pureblood too
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 40,356
Re: Help! Tormented dreams
Originally Posted by Aquila
This past 4th of July was rough. My PTSD really came in full force. Hadn't had an episode like that in a couple years. Watching buddies die in the Army, working as an EMT and the things I saw, losing my grandfather in my arms, having to pull the plug on my mother, and losing my father this past December. I was a medic. It's hard to handle the fact that I couldn't save them.
Then having you mock my experiences constantly, throwing the tragedies into my face for sheer enjoyment, which caused them to become a focus of my thoughts. It all came rushing in. In a very real way, you helped trigger the attack.
That's a lie, I didn't mock you for sheer enjoyment. You mocked my being burned on a stove by my stepmother and soiling myself, because that was the only way you could feel better. You know that you were wrong, and you removed Isaiah 1:17 from your signature. Because you embarrassed yourself. Was that a demon motivating you to have such a wonderful time of picturing a child being burned on a lit stove and soiling himself? Your preacher in his list? Well, you are there, and so by your own words in what you have been posting here. No one who has ever been brutalized as a child would ever do what you did. PTSD? Do you know how many young people have it? You are like the guy who was once in the army, and tells people stories how he was a Navy Seal. Then when you ask them what Seal Team number, and where they got their BUDS training they get flipped out angry. PTSD is found more in battered spouses, elderly, and children. Not just wartime situations. But Jesus conquerors it all. You can't accept that the only model you need to follow is Jesus Christ.
Originally Posted by Aquila
So, I wouldn't doubt some spirit was agitating the attack. You know, Satan uses you too accuse me and berate me over my past, and mock the wounds I bear in my soul daily.
You see Chris, instead of being Christ centered it is Chris centered. You used someone being brutalized as a child being burned by a lit stove for some so called revenge? Then you hurry over here to give sweet solace to a saint concerning their spiritual issues? There are none so blind who WILL NOT SEE.
Guess what? You lost any right to gripe about what anyone said about anything in your past. Because after you had such light fun berating my torture in childhood, do you honestly think anyone sees you as the go to guy for spiritual instruction? Satan using someone? You think the demons were loving it as I was being burned? Huh? Chris?
Originally Posted by Aquila
So, when Satan drags up the past to hold it against me, I will remind him of his future. So, come what may. He's already defeated. 
And he will remind you of a child who was dragged to a lit stove and soiled himself from the pain. Deliverance Chris? You shouldn't be talking about it to others, you should be on the receiving end of it
Originally Posted by Aquila
Let him know that for me. Okay? 
Tell him yourself.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
Last edited by Evang.Benincasa; 08-07-2017 at 10:08 PM.
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