Originally Posted by Esaias
By the way, those little dramatic "pauses for effect" at the end of your sentences? I think the word is "ghey".
That was funny! I'm glad I wasn't drinking soda. You would of topped Will's effect on my drinking ice tea while reading his post.
Aquila believes crossdressers are predominantly about pagan religious practices, and the individuals intent. If you are crossdressing to actually to become the other gender, and have sexual relations, then its an abomination. The Bible is silent of giving an explanation of the Canaanite religion. Also these guys can't even hamer out (no pun intended) a decent explanation concerning a Biblical explanation for
Deuteronomy 22:5. Let alone provide for us the description of Canaanite crossdressers. You bring about another good point about this crew. They do believe about going in public in clothing that covers less than their underwear? No doubt about, the coats are taken off of Adam and Eve and the fig leaf belts get placed back on.
Deuteronomy 22:5 is easy but dealing with these guys on public nudity? Good luck sailing that ship. I once met an individual who pastored who encouraged married couples to view porn. He told me that he did it to help couples grow closer. I asked him when he was changing his church name to Moses Berg's Children of God?
The "logical reasoning" department was dealt with a few times by you, very smartly I might add. Those posts went untouched. Because you are dealing with an individual who wants to appear as he knows what's going on. That's all. He beats his drum, believes women who are stay at home mothers are witless slaves, and that anyone who lives in a low income area of drug addicts in the ghetto? What sort of decent conversation my one expect from ecclesiastical intelligentsia ...so called?