Originally Posted by Coonskinner
I always had a heavy sense of reverence for the Word of the Lord.
I recall once when I was in a rebellious state, I went to a special service where Larry booker was going to be preaching.
When I got to the church where the meeting was being held, I got under such heavy conviction that I got physically sick.
A few minutes before the service was to start, Brother Booker happened to look back my way and make eye contact with me. I nearly passed out.
I was convinced he saw into the depths of my sinful soul...I became so ill that I vomited and had to leave the service and go home before he ever got up to preach.
I repented and got my heart right anyway, and didn't even hear the message.
The pastor I grew up under, made you feel this way EVERY service! My mom is almost 70 years old, and she was talking about him last week. She was almost afraid to shake his hand- she felt him reading her mail everytime he got close to her...hehe Almost like feeling guilty when a police car pulls in behind you in traffic, and you have done no wrong....YET.