emmanuel part 1
Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.
The virgin birth is foundational to Christianity. Few would argue that. For 20 centuries, man has written, and sang, about Emmanuel…a name that Jesus was never called; neither in his short life, nor in the epistles that followed.
Whether you believe in God or not, its hard to ignore, what Christ’s birth has become today. From childhood, you’ve celebrated Christmas once a year. From grade school, you’ve dated all assignments, with the years since his appearing. Our very calendar pivots upon this birth…an honor ascribed to no other event. For 40 centuries before Christ, the brutal winters of late December were never called, the most wonderful time of the year. But now, they are.
Certainly, the birth of every child, is a miracle in its own right. In that light, Christ’s birth, was no different from your birth. Same labor pains. Same bloody exit from the womb. Same umbilical cord, attached to a placenta. Indeed, the miracle was not so much his birth, but his conception. And what a miracle this is. From all time, 98% of humanity passed this way, never knowing the microscopic wonders of conception. But to us…to this final 2%...does this rose unfold her petals. It is knowledge too wonderful for me; it is high, I cannot attain unto it. And though our science breach the mystery of this miracle; even we, cannot follow it to its nano-end.
Human pro-creation begins with two single cells. We’re in the hidden world here…of microns and angstroms…unseen by the naked eye. Each of these two cells have a nucleus…the heart and life of a cell. Inside each nucleus, are 23 chromosomes. Each chromosome has lots of genes.
When the single-celled male seed, penetrates the single-celled female seed, he sheds his propulsion tail and fuel tank. The two nuclei of the two cells, then fuse together, becoming a single cell. This new cell has one nucleus with 46 chromosomes…23 from him, and 23 from her.
At this moment of fusion, a new life has begun. This is how you and I started. This is how the word was made flesh and dwelt among us started. This is how Emmanuel started. That one original cell is called a zygote. It begins dividing in half, making exact copies of itself. The one fertilized cell splits into two identical cells. The two then become four. Four become eight, then 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1,024, etc… After about 6 days of bounding down the fallopian tube, the zygote at last attaches itself to the uterus wall. Here, its name is changed to a blastocyst.Rapid cell division continues from embryo, to fetus, to birth, and beyond. A fully grown human is roughly 300 trillion (300,000,000,000,000) exact copies of that original zygote.
The bible suggests that Mary enjoyed a normal nine month pregnancy. Aside from the microscopic conception, God chose to bring about the birth of His only begotten son through normal channels. A nine month gestation, a bloody birth, suckling at mothers breasts, circumcision, poopy diapers, and growth to adulthood. So says the Spirit:
In all things it behoved him to be made like unto his brethren.
During a normal ovulation cycle, Mary donated a single cell to this miracle. Some have argued that Mary’s gene pool was entirely too infected to be used by God to birth his son. Still others hold a phobic position, that the genetic pool of all humanity is so rife with physical defect, that it affects every child ever born. By extension, Mary’s seed could not be used.
Okay, hereditary disease and defect have been around since the garden, when sin entered into the world. But look around you. Even today, here at the ragged end of time and humanity, the overall percentage of such cases is small. As always, most humans are born healthy…a testament itself, to the resilience of God’s original design.
Common sense aside, to not use Mary’s seed would alter the spirit of scripture. If Mary’s seed wasn’t used, then God spoke the whole package into her womb. A male and a female cell…already fused into a single-celled zygote…was placed into the oven. This reduces Mary’s role to a warm womb. In such a case, Mary never really conceived in her womb. Instead, a transplant of sorts took place. A pre-fertilized egg was placed in a warm womb. This is at polar odds with the scriptures, which say:
Thou shalt conceive in thy womb. And again to the angel: how shall this be, seeing I know not a man?
Of course, God can do anything. He could have formed Jesus from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life. He could have presented his son on a white flying horse, wearing a golden crown. He could have spoken a completely fertilized zygote into the womb of Mary. But, lucky for us, there is one thing our God cannot do. He cannot lie. And He had promised to defeat our enemy through the seed of a woman. Though God created many sons, Emmanuel would be His first, His only, begotten son. God didn’t short circuit the process of pro-creation. He embraced it. He created it. And He chose to fully participate in the way of man; from conception on day one, until death some 33 years later. He subjected himself to the very laws he created. Laws of physics and science. Laws of biology and chemistry. The very process of pro-creation. As it is written, wherefore in all things it behoved him to be made like unto his brethren.
This phobia of a contaminated gene pool, rests upon a false premise. In the brilliant design of God, it is not the gene pool which must be pristine, but the blood flowing through ones veins. Sinless blood disallows genetic mutation. The bible and creation, teach that the life of the flesh is in the blood. To be honest, understanding blood is essential to understanding life itself.
In Eden, there was no such thing as sin and death. It was an age of innocence. Sin was a later invader; death riding in on his coattails. But when Adam was formed, and Eve made, there was no trace of death…no stench of sin. They danced naked in the garden. They spoke with the animal kingdom. They spoke with God, in the cool of the evening.
If then, the scriptures cannot be broken, and the life of the flesh is in the blood, then what coursed through Adam’s veins was life eternal. For whether mortal or eternal, the life of the flesh is in the blood. Adam and Eve were not the products of pro-creation, as the rest of us. What coursed through their veins was the original, untainted recipe…pure blood…sinless blood.