Rick Perry up today. Perry has been selected to lead the Dept of Energy, one of the very departments he stated he wanted to abolish, during a primary debate. I think it's one of the worst picks Trump has made, and there are some really bad ones - like Betsy DeVos and Jeff Sessions.
Here's a brutal quote from the NY Times, contrasting the outgoing Mr. Moniz with Mr. Perry: "For Mr. Moniz, the future of nuclear science has been a lifelong obsession; he spent his early years working at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center. Mr. Perry studied animal husbandry and led cheers at Texas A&M University."
It appears Mr. Perry had little knowledge of what the Dept of Energy does, when he stated he wanted to eliminate it. "After being briefed on so many of the vital functions of the Department of Energy, I regret recommending its elimination."
Here's an exchange between Sen. Al Franken and Mr. Perry:
Franken: Governor, thank you for coming into my office. Did you enjoy meeting me?
Perry: I hope you're as much fun on that dais as you were on your couch.
Franken: Well...
Perry: May I rephrase that, please?
Franken: Please. Please. Please. Oh my lord, oh my lord.
Perry: Well, I think we found our Saturday Night Live sound bite.