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12-01-2016, 05:09 PM
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Re: Official Trump's Election Promises Made Good
Originally Posted by deacon blues
I can take it. YOU can't. You called JD on here "dumb". You've insulted and talked down to people on AFF all year long practically. Pull up your underoos ND and learn how to play with the big boys.
Originally Posted by deacon blues
You're so blinded by Trump angst you can't celebrate a victory for 1,000 households. A bad deal for taxpayers? You are NOT a conservative. You are using their (liberal's) language! Taxpayers aren't hurt by letting a company keep its own money. Taxpayers definitely were hurt when BO bailed out a company. Huge difference.
That's not liberal language. That's the same thing conservatives like Amash and others have talked about with the obama auto bailout and other corporate welfare bills. Crony capitalism, corporate welfare. It's a company which needs no incentive to stay, since it made $56 BILLION in revenues last year and brings in another $5 BILLION from government contracts.
Yes, it's a bad deal for taxpayers and the people of IN. Who's picking up that $7 million tax break Carrier won't be making? Which part of the state budget will be cut to try and eat up that $7 million?
Nice for those 1,000 families from the one plant -- though another 1,100 families are still being laid off from two other plants and their jobs are being moved south.
Last edited by n david; 12-01-2016 at 05:18 PM.

12-01-2016, 05:14 PM
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Re: Official Trump's Election Promises Made Good
Originally Posted by Originalist
And you STILL don't get it. It does not matter if you have baggage or not. If you don't have baggage, the brawler Dems will just invent it and destroy you. And why should I change material when you constantly keep me supplied?
I do get it. What you refuse to acknowledge is that it would be harder for the Dems to defend a lie about a candidate without baggage than to dredge up Trump's actual baggage. In your eyes, Trump had no baggage. You defended every single despicable, disgusting thing he said and did.

12-01-2016, 05:25 PM
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Re: Official Trump's Election Promises Made Good
7 million over 10 years.
1000 employees. That's 7000 an employee. 700 a year per employee. Those 1000 employees generate a lot more tax revenue in a year than the 700 dollar a head a year the taxpayers are using.
Just sayin...
You better watch out before I blitzkrieg your thread cause I'm the Thread Nazi now!

12-01-2016, 06:12 PM
J.esus i.s t.he o.ne God (463)
Join Date: May 2013
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Re: Official Trump's Election Promises Made Good
Originally Posted by deacon blues
I can take it. YOU can't. You called JD on here "dumb". You've insulted and talked down to people on AFF all year long practically. Pull up your underoos ND and learn how to play with the big boys.
I called you "ignorant". That's my opinion, not an insult. You're so blinded by Trump angst you can't celebrate a victory for 1,000 households. A bad deal for taxpayers? You are NOT a conservative. You are using their (liberal's) language! Taxpayers aren't hurt by letting a company keep its own money. Taxpayers definitely were hurt when BO bailed out a company. Huge difference.
Well, nothing to say?
Originally Posted by Jito463
Originally Posted by deacon blues
Originally Posted by Jito463
I am cautiously optimistic, my concern would be, "How?".
What did he offer them, to convince them to stay? Was it short term? Long term? Was it specific to them (something that will only benefit Carrier), or was it based around general policies that will affect many different manufacturers?
I'd like some more details.
At least Aquila is honest enough to give trump props for saving American jobs. You crybaby Republican conservatives can't stop talking about the primaries and Ted Cruz. Time to get over it! At least he's doing something positive!
But I expected the critics to continue no matter what good news comes down the pike for Trump and America.
WHOA! WHOA! WHOA! Back it up there, pal. I never brought up Cruz, YOU DID. I never "whined" or "cried" about anything, I ASKED QUESTIONS! If you can't be honest, don't respond at all!
They are legitimate questions to ask, and if you can't see that, then you really are a blind Trumpster.
Originally Posted by Originalist
Sometimes hidden dangers spring on us suddenly. Those are out of our control. But when one can see the danger, and then refuses to arrest , all in the name of "God is in control", they are forfeiting God given, preventive opportunities.

12-01-2016, 10:01 PM
Yeshua is God
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Re: Official Trump's Election Promises Made Good
Originally Posted by jfrog
7 million over 10 years.
1000 employees. That's 7000 an employee. 700 a year per employee. Those 1000 employees generate a lot more tax revenue in a year than the 700 dollar a head a year the taxpayers are using.
Just sayin...
David would prefer these people in welfare collecting more money, instead of working and paying taxes.

12-01-2016, 10:04 PM
Yeshua is God
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Re: Official Trump's Election Promises Made Good
Originally Posted by n david
During the campaign, Trump blasted Carrier and other companies leaving the US and stated he would put a 35% tariff on their goods. He also blasted the tax incentives aimed at keeping companies in the US.
Yet, to keep Carrier in the US (and save 1,000 jobs), Trump and Pence gave Carrier a $7 million state tax incentive. This is on top of the $5.6 BILLION which Carrier's parent company, United Technologies already receives from the federal government.
Good deal? Sure, if you're Carrier, UT or Trump. Not such a good deal for the taxpayers in Indiana.
how good of a deal for taxpayers is 1,000 unemployed workers and their families?

12-01-2016, 10:14 PM
Pride of the Neighborhood
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Re: Official Trump's Election Promises Made Good
Originally Posted by jfrog
7 million over 10 years.
1000 employees. That's 7000 an employee. 700 a year per employee. Those 1000 employees generate a lot more tax revenue in a year than the 700 dollar a head a year the taxpayers are using.
Just sayin...
Let's not confuse ND with facts.
When a newspaper posed the question, "What's Wrong with the World?" G. K. Chesterton reputedly wrote a brief letter in response: "Dear Sirs: I am. Sincerely Yours, G. K. Chesterton." That is the attitude of someone who has grasped the message of Jesus.

12-02-2016, 05:42 AM
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Re: Official Trump's Election Promises Made Good
Originally Posted by jfrog
7 million over 10 years.
1000 employees. That's 7000 an employee. 700 a year per employee. Those 1000 employees generate a lot more tax revenue in a year than the 700 dollar a head a year the taxpayers are using.
Just sayin...
I haven't logged in for some time, but I was seriously about to log in and type this exact thing.
I am 100% that the income taxes and state taxes paid by 1000 employees on what are likely good paying jobs will be far more than the piddly $700 a year this deal will "cost" Indiana. You are of course also overlooking the fact that O is correct. American corporate tax rates are among the world's highest. That makes it more difficult for business to operate. Cut those taxes and perhaps these companies wouldn't require/request tax deals to stay here. You call it corporate welfare. I say it is a company simply getting it's own money back from the Government that stole it from them to begin with.
The auto bailout isn't even in the same universe for comparison to this. The GM bailout wasn't Obama giving them a little "tax holiday". It was the Fed handing them billions of dollars, not a tax deferment. HUGE difference.
People on this board like PO, nDavid and a few others are so sycophantic for Cruz that they cannot even bring themselves to get behind Trump. Cruz lost. Get over it. Unlike you few, most of us saw Cruz for the unlikable, somewhat weaselly looking man that he is. "Boo hoo, Trump isn't conservative enough". No one is conservative enough for you people. Except Cruz, who would not have beaten Hillary. Was Cruz filling up 20,000 seat stadiums in his rallies practically everywhere he went? I don't recall seeing that groundswell of support for ol' Teddy boy. Hey, maybe if his dad hadn't been involved in getting JFK killed he may have done better in the primaries. Or if perhaps creepy fake conservative Beck didn't try to anoint Cruz the next messiah and therefore make it uncomfortable for everyone NOT a Mormon wacko.
Trump is still no bastion of Conservatism. He isn't a moral paragon by any means. He is however, a hardcore nationalist with a very loud America first message. If you cannot see that we desperately need a heavy dose of that in America today, then you are blind or, as deacon has said very correctly, ignorant.
In a short time we will see if Trump is a dumpster fire or not. In the meantime, instead of pouting about everything and siding solidly with leftists like Rachel Maddow and our very own JD and Aquila, why not try to get on board and actually root for the success of Trump and therefore the success of the GOP and America? Is that too much to ask? Or are you really that much of a sore loser? don't cry. Ted can run again, and lose again, in 2020 or 2024.

12-02-2016, 06:46 AM
Not riding the train
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Re: Official Trump's Election Promises Made Good
Yes, Crony Capitalism Is Bad Whether It's Obama Or Trump
As expected, Republicans are over the moon about Donald Trump’s announcement, along with Carrier, that Carrier will be keeping 1,000 jobs in Indiana. They (DB, Nighthawk, Originalist, et al )seem not to care very much about how this deal was cut.
Vice President-elect and Indiana Governor Mike Pence offered a raft of incentives (read: bribes) to keep the Carrier jobs in state. Those included tax incentives that Carrier had previously rejected as insufficient. Why? Because Trump apparently threatened Carrier’s parent company with rejection of some $6.7 billion in federal defense contracts.
John Mutz, a former Indiana lieutenant governor who sits on the agency’s 12-member board, told POLITICO that Carrier turned down a previous offer from IEDC before the election. He said he thinks the choice is driven by concerns from Carrier’s parent company, United Technologies, that it could lose a portion of its roughly $6.7 billion in federal contracts.
In other words, Trump threatened a domestic company with taxpayer dollars – we’d presumably have to pay more not to use Carrier’s parent company with regard to defense – so that he could get a headline.
That’s gross.

12-02-2016, 07:04 AM
J.esus i.s t.he o.ne God (463)
Join Date: May 2013
Posts: 2,806
Re: Official Trump's Election Promises Made Good
Originally Posted by Jito463
Well, nothing to say? 
Originally Posted by deacon blues
Let's not confuse ND with facts.
I guess not.
Originally Posted by Originalist
Sometimes hidden dangers spring on us suddenly. Those are out of our control. But when one can see the danger, and then refuses to arrest , all in the name of "God is in control", they are forfeiting God given, preventive opportunities.
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