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Old 10-19-2016, 11:36 PM
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Re: Wife Hospitalized Update

If you are at all interested in a non-medicinal, all natural approach to depression and anxiety, I suggest researching the following:

- St. John's Wort for depression
- Valerian Root for anxiety

Both are prescribed in Europe by MD's. But here in the US, people aren't taught to understand how herbs are God's gifts for healing.

Some sites where purchases can be made:



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Old 10-19-2016, 11:47 PM
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Re: Wife Hospitalized Update

Trazadone side effects are suicidal tendencies.

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Old 10-20-2016, 01:37 AM
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Re: Wife Hospitalized Update

Originally Posted by jediwill83 View Post
Yesterday they released her so I made the trip to go pick her up. I honestly can't remember her being this happy and just at peace. It's not a drugged stupor or anything it's just normal. In addition to the bipolar ,which we already knew about, they diagnosed her with a severe anxiety condition.

Another blessing in all this is that the medication she HAD been on was SUPER expensive and the new medication they have her on is MUCH cheaper and seems to be light years more effective.

The way Kat described it was that she feels better and more emotionally stable than before we even met.

Thank you all for your prayers and kind words of encouragement.
So happy to read this this morning! Praising God with you!
I also will continue in prayer for you and your precious family.
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Old 10-26-2016, 12:54 AM
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Re: Wife Hospitalized Update

Originally Posted by jediwill83 View Post
They have her on Trazadone for the panic attacks.
Please be super careful about keeping the medication secure and away from the new baby. I just read an article in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel today about a baby that died after somehow ingesting a Trazadone (along with an Oxycodone) prescribed to a family member, after the pill bottle was accidentally dropped and the pills scattered.

Not that anyone wants to read, but here's the link:

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Old 10-26-2016, 12:57 AM
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Re: Wife Hospitalized Update

Originally Posted by jediwill83 View Post
Yesterday they released her so I made the trip to go pick her up. I honestly can't remember her being this happy and just at peace. It's not a drugged stupor or anything it's just normal. In addition to the bipolar ,which we already knew about, they diagnosed her with a severe anxiety condition.

Another blessing in all this is that the medication she HAD been on was SUPER expensive and the new medication they have her on is MUCH cheaper and seems to be light years more effective.

The way Kat described it was that she feels better and more emotionally stable than before we even met.

Thank you all for your prayers and kind words of encouragement.
When I was a teen, I was bi-polar suicidal. Nearly succeeded in dying (long story). I was placed into a Mental Health hospital when I was fifteen. While I was there, I felt great. Terrific even. See, all the stressors and issues I was having in life were gone while I was hospitalized.

But after being released, it wasn't long until, back in the real world, the weight of the world again began to crush me.

I say all of that to say that the good feelings may not last if your wife is reintroduced to any of the situational elements that caused, or at least induced, the incident.
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Old 10-26-2016, 01:03 AM
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Re: Wife Hospitalized Update

Also, I just feel led to share this:

When a psychiatrist says "I think it's a medication issue", beware! It often means the following:

They don't really know which medicine is right, and so, will juggle the doses and types of medication to try and see which one works the best, which is to say, allows for the most benefit and the least side effects and related issues.

It can become quite dangerous, as you go a few weeks on this med, then they try that med, then this one, and maybe a higher dose, and no, let's try this dosage, and etc.

And it's all based on the subjective opinion of the patient, who has to try to figure out if they're really doing better or not since they began taking whatever prescription.

I speak only from experience, not to preach or bark orders, but to warn. Please be careful and allow the Lord to lead you both in all that you should do. Touching brain chemistry with medication can be risky, especially since so many of them have horrible side effects, like depression, suicidal thoughts, hostility, rage, apathy, and etc., not to mention physical ones like loss of appetite, lethargy, weight gain, dizziness, and etc.
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Old 11-04-2016, 08:49 PM
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Re: Wife Hospitalized Update

People that have bipolar CANNOT take St. John's Wort, makes them worse!!!
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