Originally Posted by MawMaw
PO I just can't understand. I'm just not that politically minded I suppose. But, are you thinking it will be better if she wins this election?
We are not better off if she wins, but the Republican Party is not better off if Trump wins. It's a tough year. That is why we should vote our conscience.
You aren't the only person wavering on what is best. Comments all over the Internet vascilliate between not voting and voting for Trump. Just when you think you might, something happens where you just can't.
Case in point, Laura Ingraham, Sean Hannity and one other person (my mind went blank) were being really caustic against those who don't want to vote for Trump. That was the nail in the coffin for a lot of people still trying to decide. I read comments, like, "You just made my final decision - NO!"
So, we can't force people to make up their minds. We need to allow them to do that. I don't fault anyone who is voting for hope over fear - hope that Trump will keep his promises and not punch that Nuke button and fear that Hillary, as a woman, will be worse than even we anticipated.
Gov. Nikki Haley said, “I think I’ve been really clear. This election has really turned my stomach upside down. It has been embarrassing for both parties. It’s not something the country deserves, but it’s what we’ve got. As a governor of this state, knowing what our state’s needs are and knowing the processes that are going to take place, there’s a few things that worry me. One of the things will be who will be put into place at those agencies because we’ve had to deal with the EPA, whether it’s been the National Labor Relations Board, whether it’s been any of the mandates passed down from Health and Human Services, education — all of those issues came into play in South Carolina, and they caused us a lot of heartache.”
She is banking on a little hope, some in fear of Hillary.
We have to decide for ourselves.