Originally Posted by bishoph
I have not read thru this thread....only responding to the Thread Title:
There is NO Salvation without the Cross!!!
of course not, BH, no one is saying that there is, that is ridiculous. We were just getting a little too close to the truth, and Mr B felt threatened, so he indulged himself with a thread to reaffirm how it's ok to ignore the Word of Christ, as long as you triple-swear that you love Jesus, and finger-crossies don't count. You are saved as long as you say the right words and sincerely mean them, almost surely probably.
A big clue is if you find yourself talking about sin all day; generally other peoples' sin, of course, but it is ok to mention some little sin of your own every now and then, something on the order of that extra piece of pie or something, anything to deflect from what Christ says and keep laying the foundation anew. Of course you have to put your cross down first, assuming that you ever picked it up, because it is impossible to be looking at other people while you are carrying your cross, but maybe pastors don't have to do that, i don't know.