Not prophecies, mind you, just predictions.
1. Whatever is stupidest and the worst thing for traditional America, THAT will be the outcome of the election cycle.
2. The Eloi will continue to increase and multiply until The End shall come.
3. Revival will begin, but be completely missed by the denominations (including oneness pentecostal denominations). In fact, denominationalists will mostly oppose it. It will appear out of left field and many "in the camp" won't have a clue what's happening. They'll even think it's of the devil.
4. America's idols - political, social, religious - will fall but the idolaters will be too stupid to recognize it.
5. There may be a civil war, but not like the 1860s, more like Weimar Germany. And we all know how THAT turned out...
6. American Holodomor is on the way. "It can't happen here" will be a death sentence to a lot of folks.
7. God will raise up rednecks who will stand on Mt Zion, no LDS funny undergarments or Masonic handshakes needed.