Originally Posted by Monterrey
JD, you really do make me laugh, but in a good way!
You always admit when you are wrong, (a lot) and you do it with such ..... dignity!
C'mon man, realize that it is going to be a Trump/ Hillary race, vote independent, move to .... wherever and enjoy life in Jesus.
I am glad you saw my dry humor and laughed! I laughed too.
Seriously though, with the Trump candidacy, the GOP talking heads have NO ROOM for criticism of the Democrat electorate.
Trump has either made a mockery of the GOP and has exposed the ugly underbelly of the GOP (that many have tried to deny) all at once.
The GOP establishment have covertly courted and publically eschewed
these voters for YEARS!
FOX News has made these people so thirsty, they are frothing at the lips!
Oh an d by the way, I ain't movin nowhere! This is MY country! I ain't movin!