Western Illinois University claims it has a 100% accuracy rate in predicting election results, going back to 1975.
The University held mock primaries and caucuses during one week at the end of this past October. The result of this mock election is somewhat surprising.
The Socialist (Democrat) ticket of Bernie Sanders, President and Martin O'Malley, VP, was predicted to beat the Establishment (Republican) ticket of Jeb Bush, President and Marco Rubio, VP.
Again, WIU claims to have a 100% accuracy in predicting winners since 1975.
I cannot see how the streak will continue.
First off, Bush is not going to be the GOP nominee. Not a chance. Not unless something really shady happens.
Per the link here, Trump and Cruz lose Iowa to Jeb. In fact, Cruz doesn't get a single delegate, and Trump receives only 16 to Jebs 41!
The dirty secret is Iowa really doesn't matter. Santorum and Huckabee won the last two and while Santorum was able to keep it somewhat close against Romney, McCain blew Huckabee away.
Just read through the results in the link. At the end, they're predicting Cruz only gets 63 delegates and Trump only gets 276. Jeb, they claim, will win 1,632.
In 2012, Romney received 1,489 delegates. So to predict Jeb, who's currently polling nationally at an abysmal 3.7%, will not only win, but win in a landslide against Trump and Cruz, is just really, really off.
In the predicted General Election battle between Sanders/O'Malley vs Jeb/Rubio:
Sanders wins in a landslide. It's not even a race. 404-114.
Jeb only wins Nevada, Texas, Arizona, Louisiana, Alabama, Iowa, Illinois, Missouri, Maryland and Pennsylvania.
Sanders wins the rest. Yes, they're predicting Sanders wins the heartland and the south.
This map makes no sense.
But then again, it does. This mock election was done at a University, by students. Bernie's whole appeal is everything will be FREE for college age types. Free University education! Free healthcare! Free everything.
That appeals to students. The same who predicted we'll feel the Bern in 2016.
I'm going to predict this election will mar their perfect prediction streak. Bernie will NOT win the election, nor will Jeb win the GOP nomination.
Because they missed an important factor, that being while college students are passionate about politics, they're also notoriously lazy and do not vote.