Long hair, yes. Uncut hair, no. Otherwise a man can have hair three feet down his back and it still be short since he trims it.
But I do agree with Coonskinner's thoughts on the ark and the cherubims, although the idea of cherubims being "angels" is debatable. The cherubims are the four beasts in
Rev 5 and they claim they were redeemed from every tribe and nation of men. Angels are not redeemed.
The POWER on the woman's head is the authority of her husband, as her "head" is her personal authority. Since the physical head represents authority, seeing one's MIND is located in one's actual head, the woman's covering on her actual physical head speaks of this submission, indicating that with her husband, she covers her head since he is her head.
There is only ONE HEAD on a body. And if a woman is one flesh with her husband, and God made him her head, she indicates that by covering her head. She hides her physical head, as it were, to indicate her husband is her authroity, while his head remains uncovered. A visual message. The important thing si the submission in her spirit.
I have seen women who covered their heads in whatever way they think this chapter teaches -- some hair and some a veil or hat -- but were downright rebellious and unsubmissive to their husbands. The issue is ONLY A SYMBOL. Just as the SYMBOL of bread and wine in the same chapter in communion. But the symbol is still strongly taught here, at any rate. God is very concerned over SOME symbols even now.
Again, I propose this is not hair but a veil. However, in our culture veils do not mean that in the eyes of the people, so the veiling issue is moot in and of itself today.
It is not anointing power in the context, but the power of
her husband's authority. The verse is saying she as authority OVER HER. Not magical power exisiting on her physical head.
BECAUSE OF THE ANGELS could mean a few different things, while the passage does not specify which. It
could mean the angels are given testimony by the woman that SHE SUBMITS, whereas SOME angels rebelled and fell.
Or it
could mean that the angels who are
ministering spirits sent to minister and
SERVE we who are heirs of salvation cannot properly do their work with us if we are not in submission. If angels SERVE, how can they work with people who do not SUBMIT and SERVE as well, as in the role of a woman obeying her husband?