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Old 08-11-2015, 12:18 PM
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Re: Ted Cruz 2016

Originally Posted by n david View Post
I would love to watch Cruz debate Hillary or even Sanders, since Sanders is a proud Socialist.
I hope we get to see that. The anger the Republicans have against the GOP is going to keep Trump alive for a while. If Cruz gets more of a chance to actually speak in a debate, people will see he has the same passion that Trump has against the media and both parties, yet he has solid experience on his side that Trump doesn't have.
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Old 08-11-2015, 12:33 PM
n david n david is offline
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Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post

I hope we get to see that. The anger the Republicans have against the GOP is going to keep Trump alive for a while. If Cruz gets more of a chance to actually speak in a debate, people will see he has the same passion that Trump has against the media and both parties, yet he has solid experience on his side that Trump doesn't have.
Yes, he has real policy which Trump lacks.
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Old 08-11-2015, 01:19 PM
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Re: Ted Cruz 2016

Originally Posted by n david View Post
Yes, he has real policy which Trump lacks.
I think that the media has laid out the notion that only a moderate could win, that I am not sure, at the end, Cruz can pull this off.

I also interact with and read comments by a lot of people who also buy into the notion that only a governor is electable.

The notion that Obama being an unexperienced Senator made him a bad president can't be further from the truth. He is not a good person for America, and all of the policies and things he wanted to get done during his tenure, he has done.

So, the "governor only" thing is just bogus. I would ask as Cruz has asked, "But, do you want a Conservative?"
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Old 08-11-2015, 01:29 PM
n david n david is offline
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Re: Ted Cruz 2016

You saw this, right?

Presidential candidate Senator Ted Cruz made a campaign stop in Beaumont, TX on Tuesday, May 19. He was asked repeatedly by Kevin Steele from KMBT-TV about the issue of gay marriage, to which Cruz responds by turning the tables. (via Joe Walsh)

SEN. TED CRUZ: Let me ask a question: Is there something about the left, and I am going to put the media in this category, that is obsessed with sex? Why is it the only question you want to ask concerns homosexuals? Okay, you can ask those questions over and over and over again. I recognize that you're reading questions from MSNBC...

You're wincing. You don't want to talk about foreign policy. I recognize you want to ask another question about gay rights. Well, you know. ISIS is executing homosexuals. You want to talk about gay rights? This week was a very bad week for gay rights because the expansion of ISIS, the expansion of radical, theocratic, Islamic zealots that crucify Christians, that behead children and that murder homosexuals. That ought to be concerning you far more than asking six questions all on the same topic.

REPORTER: Do you have a personal animosity against gay Americans?

CRUZ: Do you have a personal animosity against Christians sir? Your line of questioning is highly curious. You seem fixated on a particular subject. Look, I’m a Christian. Scripture commands us to love everybody and what I have been talking about, with respect to same-sex marriage, is the Constitution which is what we should all be focused on. The Constitution gives marriage to elected state legislators. It doesn’t give the power of marriage to a president, or to unelected judges to tear down the decisions enacted by democratically elected state legislatures.

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Old 08-11-2015, 01:32 PM
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Re: Ted Cruz 2016

Originally Posted by n david View Post
You saw this, right?

Presidential candidate Senator Ted Cruz made a campaign stop in Beaumont, TX on Tuesday, May 19. He was asked repeatedly by Kevin Steele from KMBT-TV about the issue of gay marriage, to which Cruz responds by turning the tables. (via Joe Walsh)

SEN. TED CRUZ: Let me ask a question: Is there something about the left, and I am going to put the media in this category, that is obsessed with sex? Why is it the only question you want to ask concerns homosexuals? Okay, you can ask those questions over and over and over again. I recognize that you're reading questions from MSNBC...

You're wincing. You don't want to talk about foreign policy. I recognize you want to ask another question about gay rights. Well, you know. ISIS is executing homosexuals. You want to talk about gay rights? This week was a very bad week for gay rights because the expansion of ISIS, the expansion of radical, theocratic, Islamic zealots that crucify Christians, that behead children and that murder homosexuals. That ought to be concerning you far more than asking six questions all on the same topic.

REPORTER: Do you have a personal animosity against gay Americans?

CRUZ: Do you have a personal animosity against Christians sir? Your line of questioning is highly curious. You seem fixated on a particular subject. Look, I’m a Christian. Scripture commands us to love everybody and what I have been talking about, with respect to same-sex marriage, is the Constitution which is what we should all be focused on. The Constitution gives marriage to elected state legislators. It doesn’t give the power of marriage to a president, or to unelected judges to tear down the decisions enacted by democratically elected state legislatures.

Source Link
Yes, I did see that. It was all over the media. That was the first time people saw that he wasn't afraid to engage on important issues, and that he was very astute. He has been rolling steadily along since that video came out.
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Old 08-13-2015, 12:49 PM
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Re: Ted Cruz 2016

Setting up a southern firewall...A strategic move on his part. Several of the states hold primaries March 1, the SEC Primary. If a candidate can win there, they could gain traction for the winner-take-all going into March 15.

Old 08-13-2015, 01:57 PM
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Re: Ted Cruz 2016

Dear Media: Stop Trying to Tie Trump Around Ted Cruz’s Neck

Of course, there is a reason why the media wants to make Cruz answerable for Trump – but the reason is political/strategical rather than one borne out of legitimate newsworthiness. It is widely assumed, from a political standpoint, that if Trump implodes, Cruz stands to gain the most from the fallout. After all, the main allure of Donald Trump is that he pretends to be Sen. Ted Cruz, i.e., a firebrand conservative who isn’t afraid to stand up to the establishment.

So what the media is basically attempting to do here is to drive a wedge between Cruz and Trump’s followers.

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Old 11-09-2015, 12:45 PM
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Re: Ted Cruz 2016

Presidential Platform Review

Cruz advocates pro-growth policies, especially with regard to energy.

Cruz has fought to eliminate government-imposed barriers to opportunity.

Cruz promotes a robust civil society.

Cruz places a high priority on fighting the expansion of government.

Cruz has been willing to pay a political price for taking on government favoritism.

Cruz places a high priority on defending the nation’s security interests.


Perfecto! #TedCruz2016
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