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Old 06-02-2007, 10:33 AM
Whole Hearted Whole Hearted is offline
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Originally Posted by Coonskinner View Post
Paula White may make people feel better about themselves; she may address the symptoms of some temporal issues people deal with.

But ministry that doesn't have a clue how to tell someone to get to Heaven isn't really ministry in the Scriptural sense.

My comment stands. And it really has nothing to do with how much money she makes. It's about the fact that she isn't preaching truth to people.
Amen Bro Coonskinner
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Old 06-02-2007, 10:55 AM
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As I say I have no idea who she is but I do know who Jesus is. No, matter how wrong someone is we could still find at least one nice thing to say. I have found over the years of ministry USUALLY those that condemn oters do nothing themselves...and remember I do not know who you are talking about and there will be many false Christ's and false prophets...but keep your eyes on Jesus.
If there is real danger then warn us. I have warned people before about some things but many things are just to get our attention off the REAL purposeof winning souls.
Friends, live to help others and you will be so busy you too will not know who a lot of people are!
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Old 06-02-2007, 11:07 AM
Coonskinner Coonskinner is offline
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I will say something nice about Paula White, in honor of our precious Mother Alvear, who I sincerely respect very greatly:

As far as I know, she don't steal chickens.
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Old 06-02-2007, 11:42 AM
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Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
Thad, this is old news. I was harping on this information while we were all on NFCF.
It might be old news but this was printed in the Tampa Bay Tribune May 20.

So Randy and Paula White, broke but on fire for the Lord, packed up a U-Haul with their few possessions and headed south from Maryland in 1990 to win souls in a city where they knew no one.
Its sad to see when a ministry that had its beginnings with seemingly pure motives evolve into something that is so money, power, and ego driven.

If TV caused this, why didn't all of these negative symtoms follow Billy Graham!
East of I-5
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Old 06-02-2007, 11:45 AM
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They acknowledge rumors have been flying for a long time about their relationship. Randy said the two are best friends and will always remain so.
Asked whether they're contemplating divorce, he said, "No one can predict the future."

I'm glad to know that there marriage is rock solid after this statement!!
East of I-5
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Old 06-02-2007, 11:47 AM

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I haven't read ANY of the thread except the last couple posts, but I'm not sure how slicing and dicing these people to pieces is doing any good to anyone... especially those doing the slicing and dicing.
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Old 06-02-2007, 11:47 AM
ThePastorsCoach ThePastorsCoach is offline
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There is a newspaper reporter here that writes horrible things about Bishop Eddie Long, Dr. Crefflo Dollar and others. I mean he really works at making them look bad. I wrote him to tell him that I was praying for him as some preacher must have really hurt him bad to write such terrible things of preachers. I apologized to him on behalf of all preachers who had hurt or disappointed him.

I have always liked Randy and Paula and they have been nice to me. I do not agree with them doctrinally but I have seen where they have come from and the horrible pit they came out of and it makes me sad that some idiot newspaper reporter that barely makes $30,000 a year can write about someone who is worth multiple millions. These reporters have no clue! They cannot relate in any way to someone that makes millions. They do not report the news - they make most of this stuff up or twist it to make preachers look bad.

I do not agree with anyone that lives immorally or exploits people for money. But it goes on in the UPC as well as every other movement.

I heard NAU raise money for a multitude of things and then never heard about it again. I has been said - it was raised on FALSE PRETENSES! No one ever knew where the money went - NO checks and balances.

I raised major money for UPC churches and for the Home Missions Dept - only to be rebuked because I rented a Town Car to do it in! I certainly did not get the money - and the ones that did - never did appreciate the sacrifices made to raise it.

Let God deal with Randy and Paula - He will and they will get what is coming to them! You don't have to be so harsh on everybody and DON'T BELIEVE ANYTHING YOU READ IN THE NEWSPAPERS!!!!!!!!! I have NEVER been quoted correctly in any newspaper article that I was quoted in. NEVER!
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Old 06-02-2007, 01:08 PM
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Originally Posted by AtlantaBishop View Post
There is a newspaper reporter here that writes horrible things about Bishop Eddie Long, Dr. Crefflo Dollar and others. I mean he really works at making them look bad. I wrote him to tell him that I was praying for him as some preacher must have really hurt him bad to write such terrible things of preachers. I apologized to him on behalf of all preachers who had hurt or disappointed him.

I have always liked Randy and Paula and they have been nice to me. I do not agree with them doctrinally but I have seen where they have come from and the horrible pit they came out of and it makes me sad that some idiot newspaper reporter that barely makes $30,000 a year can write about someone who is worth multiple millions. These reporters have no clue! They cannot relate in any way to someone that makes millions. They do not report the news - they make most of this stuff up or twist it to make preachers look bad.

I do not agree with anyone that lives immorally or exploits people for money. But it goes on in the UPC as well as every other movement.

I heard NAU raise money for a multitude of things and then never heard about it again. I has been said - it was raised on FALSE PRETENSES! No one ever knew where the money went - NO checks and balances.

I raised major money for UPC churches and for the Home Missions Dept - only to be rebuked because I rented a Town Car to do it in! I certainly did not get the money - and the ones that did - never did appreciate the sacrifices made to raise it.

Let God deal with Randy and Paula - He will and they will get what is coming to them! You don't have to be so harsh on everybody and DON'T BELIEVE ANYTHING YOU READ IN THE NEWSPAPERS!!!!!!!!! I have NEVER been quoted correctly in any newspaper article that I was quoted in. NEVER!

This point is well taken but does not diminish the responsiblity of those that give to a "ministry". I feel it is my duty to verify as much as possible, that monies I give are being spent in a proper and accountable fashion.

As to those making $30,000.00 - it makes them no less credible. Some of the most credible people I know work as charitable contributors.
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"It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves
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Old 06-02-2007, 01:25 PM
ThePastorsCoach ThePastorsCoach is offline
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Rats - Looking for trash

Stephen - I do understand your comments but my aggravation comes from these low life Anti-God, Anti-Church reporters who don't know anything about God, Church or money. Their main goal is to forward their own liberal agenda and get more publicity for themselves like the reporter that REALLY WORKED at bringing Jim Baker down. The bottom line with them is - This expose is gonna put money in MY pocket! When people say - it is all about money - that is true - its about the reporter putting more money in HIS pocket.

I do not for one second condone anything immoral, unethical or illegal that the Whites have done. I just do not believe anything these idiot newspaper reporters write. In my book - they are worse than RATS - looking for trash!
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Old 06-02-2007, 01:35 PM
Coonskinner Coonskinner is offline
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Originally Posted by AtlantaBishop View Post
Stephen - I do understand your comments but my aggravation comes from these low life Anti-God, Anti-Church reporters who don't know anything about God, Church or money. Their main goal is to forward their own liberal agenda and get more publicity for themselves like the reporter that REALLY WORKED at bringing Jim Baker down. The bottom line with them is - This expose is gonna put money in MY pocket! When people say - it is all about money - that is true - its about the reporter putting more money in HIS pocket.

I do not for one second condone anything immoral, unethical or illegal that the Whites have done. I just do not believe anything these idiot newspaper reporters write. In my book - they are worse than RATS - looking for trash!

I don't have much use for the press either.

I think this says it well....

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