open letter to gays
An Open Letter To All Gays
Following the SCOTUS decision on gay marriage; my once-Christian nation was subjected to a nauseating gay-rainbow light show upon the honorable white house. A display that made most in the south heave their dinner. Cries of "love wins", and "free to be me" abounded, as 2% of the nation ran riot over the other 98%. And to ice the cake, Bruce Jenner is a hero.
In writing this open letter to gays, it is with a measure of perspective. Having raised six children, one of beloved son gay.
And my response to the news of our nation, is this: woe is me! And woe is my beautiful country! And woe is that child born into this wicked time!
Our creator...that mighty one who made Vy Canis Majoris and the flea...couldn't have been clearer in his constitution. Homosexuality ranks right up there with beastiality, as an abomination to God. It maligns the very purpose of the crown jewel of creation: man, woman, and family.
The fact that you gays so painfully contort his holy word...looking for a scriptural pass for your evil itself evidence that you know the mighty God's position. Yet you thumb your nose at my Lord, and flaunt your homosexuality in public. There used to be a nationwide...a worldwide...shame and disgust attached to this vulgarity. Probably why it hid in the closet for 5,900 years.
My fellows; you have not found your freedom as you suppose. You have all been masterfully duped, like cattle for the slaughter. And now you add government sanction to your evil, cementing your enslavement to this spirit. Like as my Lord admonished his disciple:
ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of.
I beg you all to see the connection here. Upon a 6,000 year landscape, America isn't even 300 years old yet. Global, blatant homosexuality is an even newer botch upon humanity. Enter, then, the book of Revelation, now being played out before your very eyes. If you would only look...and see...that the perverse spirit which has consumed you, is in the very pages of that book on your night-stand. And the end...your not good.
Repent of this shameful evil, and turn to the Lord Jesus while he may be found. Because love won 2,000 years ago...and it wasn't pretty. Nor was it a grace-blanket for sin; so we could ride an escalator to heaven eating bon bon's, while we live like the devil. Google spider, yahoo slurp, and all you other bots...gobble that. Burp.