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Old 06-06-2015, 11:44 PM
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Re: End Time Army of Women Preachers Psalms 68:11

To answer Bro. Epley's question... any reformed women preachers?

I have a story to tell... and I have hesitated all day about telling this, for various reasons, but if this story will help one person, then it is worth it.

We attended a church several years where the pastor was attempting to "liberate" me and to have the "call of God on my life be set free". We had been attending this church because it was the only church in the area we had just moved to that believed in the spirit, baptism in Jesus name and holy living. So, while there were other things we didn't agree with, we (my husband and I) thought that because they had those things right, we could put up with some of the other things that didn't seem quite right.

About a week before the service where things "blew up", the Lord began to deal with my heart, and I sat at the kitchen table and began to write what I was hearing from the Lord about submission. It was very clear to me as I prayed, studied, and wrote, that the most beautiful stories about women throughout the Bible were stories of women who had meek and quiet spirits, and who did not need a platform to stand on to be great. I thought of Rahab, Esther, Hannah, Ruth, the Proverbs 31 woman, Mary the sister of Lazarus, Mary Magdalene... women who accomplished much, and whose names are forever recorded in the word of God not because they had a platform to stand on, (to preach), but because their lives exemplified a meek, quiet spirit, and it was through this that God was able to work mightily.

Then I thought of Miriam, who stood in opposition to Moses, and how she was afflicted with leprosy because of her murmuring, and discontent. I thought of the famous Jezebel who ruled with an iron fist, and in the end, died a horrible death. I thought of Sarah who counseled her husband unwisely regarding Hagar, and then the fall out with Ismael's birth... and of course, poor Eve. Can't leave her out of all this!

... and I knew that the Lord was showing me something significant. I had been battling the words of the pastor in my heart, because I knew he wanted me to take more of a part in the services, as a woman preacher. This was a man who really believed that the scripture (neither Jew nor Greek, male nor female) meant that in Christ, we were all equals, both men and women, and that women should have equal say in the church. He was on a mission to "liberate" me, and other women to set free the calling of God on our lives, which I had been resisting. However, I had not taken the time to fully study it out, and search out the scriptures on that subject, until now. And the word of the Lord was clear, very very clear.

So during on that Sunday morning service, the pastor called his wife to the platform to share a dream she had. After she shared the dream (which appeared to have significance for God calling women to preach)... the pastor called me to the front. I looked at my husband, and he looked as surprised as I did, but I got up and went to the front. The pastor spoke about me for a minute, and then asked me to sing a song that I had written some time before, and so I did. The presence of the Lord began to fall beautifully as I sang the song, with people crying, praying, and worshiping. The pastor and another man in the congregation came towards me as I sang, and asked me to come down to the front and to pray for people in the congregation. The pastor made a call to the congregation, and asked all who needed prayer to come and be prayed for, by me. My heart shrunk. Yet, I obeyed.

Then, the pastor came to me and said, "I think the Lord has called you to preach. You have a word to speak, and we need to hear it."

As I looked at the pastor, I knew exactly what that word was... the word the Lord had given to me earlier in the week, about submission. I swallowed deeply. He handed me the microphone, and I began to relay to the congregation what the Lord had shown me earlier in the week about a wife being submitted to her husband, and the beautiful things the Lord can do through a husband and wife when they are working together, not opposing one another, and recognizing the headship God has set in place, and essentially that a woman is called to minister in her home, to minister first to the needs of her family.


You could have heard a pin drop in the building. I could feel the anger from the pastor as he stood behind me, and his wife was just glaring at me.

I ended what I had to say by saying, that I loved my husband and I wanted to be a woman of a meek and quiet spirit, and that the call of God on my life was to help me minister to others, and that while I could preach... I wasn't going to.

I handed the microphone back to the pastor, and I went and sat down. The church was so quiet, the sound was deafening to my ears. After the beautiful spirit of the Lord just minutes before, now I felt as if all hell was about to break loose, because I knew I had touched on a nerve, and that things had not gone where the pastor was trying to take them.

The pastor then called his wife back up to the platform... and said "Preach, woman, preach!" And she did! It was awful. I could feel her spirit as she spoke and I honestly don't remember a word she said, but her spirit just jarred my heart. Then, the pastor called another lady to speak, and she said no. Then her husband said, "Go, go and preach." So, at the insistence of her husband, she got up to speak, and what she had to say I remember little of, except that I knew she was very uncomfortable being put in that position as well.

The service ended, and we left, and we NEVER WENT BACK. God delivered me that morning from the desire of needing a platform to stand up to tell His Word to others. He spoke to me, convicted me, and taught me before the test.

My platform is not in a building. My platform is in my HOME. My home is where I share the gospel and live it day by day, loving my husband, encouraging, supporting him, praying for him, nurturing my family, teaching my children, and when I leave my home, the world is my congregation. Wherever I go, whoever I meet, I pray that the love of God flows from me to them.

No, I don't need a platform. The world is my congregation, and my home the only platform I need.

So there you go, Bro. Epley. I had my chance to preach... and I turned it down. Does that count?
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Old 06-06-2015, 11:51 PM
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Re: End Time Army of Women Preachers Psalms 68:11

Wow, that a lot of words!
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
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Old 06-06-2015, 11:55 PM
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Re: End Time Army of Women Preachers Psalms 68:11

Originally Posted by keptbytheword View Post
to answer bro. Epley's question... Any reformed women preachers?

I have a story to tell... And i have hesitated all day about telling this, for various reasons, but if this story will help one person, then it is worth it.

We attended a church several years where the pastor was attempting to "liberate" me and to have the "call of god on my life be set free". We had been attending this church because it was the only church in the area we had just moved to that believed in the spirit, baptism in jesus name and holy living. So, while there were other things we didn't agree with, we (my husband and i) thought that because they had those things right, we could put up with some of the other things that didn't seem quite right.

About a week before the service where things "blew up", the lord began to deal with my heart, and i sat at the kitchen table and began to write what i was hearing from the lord about submission. It was very clear to me as i prayed, studied, and wrote, that the most beautiful stories about women throughout the bible were stories of women who had meek and quiet spirits, and who did not need a platform to stand on to be great. I thought of rahab, esther, hannah, ruth, the proverbs 31 woman, mary the sister of lazarus, mary magdalene... Women who accomplished much, and whose names are forever recorded in the word of god not because they had a platform to stand on, (to preach), but because their lives exemplified a meek, quiet spirit, and it was through this that god was able to work mightily.

Then i thought of miriam, who stood in opposition to moses, and how she was afflicted with leprosy because of her murmuring, and discontent. I thought of the famous jezebel who ruled with an iron fist, and in the end, died a horrible death. I thought of sarah who counseled her husband unwisely regarding hagar, and then the fall out with ismael's birth... And of course, poor eve. Can't leave her out of all this!

... And i knew that the lord was showing me something significant. I had been battling the words of the pastor in my heart, because i knew he wanted me to take more of a part in the services, as a woman preacher. This was a man who really believed that the scripture (neither jew nor greek, male nor female) meant that in christ, we were all equals, both men and women, and that women should have equal say in the church. He was on a mission to "liberate" me, and other women to set free the calling of god on our lives, which i had been resisting. However, i had not taken the time to fully study it out, and search out the scriptures on that subject, until now. And the word of the lord was clear, very very clear.

So during on that sunday morning service, the pastor called his wife to the platform to share a dream she had. After she shared the dream (which appeared to have significance for god calling women to preach)... The pastor called me to the front. I looked at my husband, and he looked as surprised as i did, but i got up and went to the front. The pastor spoke about me for a minute, and then asked me to sing a song that i had written some time before, and so i did. The presence of the lord began to fall beautifully as i sang the song, with people crying, praying, and worshiping. The pastor and another man in the congregation came towards me as i sang, and asked me to come down to the front and to pray for people in the congregation. The pastor made a call to the congregation, and asked all who needed prayer to come and be prayed for, by me. My heart shrunk. Yet, i obeyed.

Then, the pastor came to me and said, "i think the lord has called you to preach. You have a word to speak, and we need to hear it."

as i looked at the pastor, i knew exactly what that word was... The word the lord had given to me earlier in the week, about submission. I swallowed deeply. He handed me the microphone, and i began to relay to the congregation what the lord had shown me earlier in the week about a wife being submitted to her husband, and the beautiful things the lord can do through a husband and wife when they are working together, not opposing one another, and recognizing the headship god has set in place, and essentially that a woman is called to minister in her home, to minister first to the needs of her family.


You could have heard a pin drop in the building. I could feel the anger from the pastor as he stood behind me, and his wife was just glaring at me.

I ended what i had to say by saying, that i loved my husband and i wanted to be a woman of a meek and quiet spirit, and that the call of god on my life was to help me minister to others, and that while i could preach... I wasn't going to.

I handed the microphone back to the pastor, and i went and sat down. The church was so quiet, the sound was deafening to my ears. After the beautiful spirit of the lord just minutes before, now i felt as if all hell was about to break loose, because i knew i had touched on a nerve, and that things had not gone where the pastor was trying to take them.

The pastor then called his wife back up to the platform... And said "preach, woman, preach!" and she did! It was awful. I could feel her spirit as she spoke and i honestly don't remember a word she said, but her spirit just jarred my heart. Then, the pastor called another lady to speak, and she said no. Then her husband said, "go, go and preach." so, at the insistence of her husband, she got up to speak, and what she had to say i remember little of, except that i knew she was very uncomfortable being put in that position as well.

The service ended, and we left, and we never went back. God delivered me that morning from the desire of needing a platform to stand up to tell his word to others. He spoke to me, convicted me, and taught me before the test.

My platform is not in a building. My platform is in my home. My home is where i share the gospel and live it day by day, loving my husband, encouraging, supporting him, praying for him, nurturing my family, teaching my children, and when i leave my home, the world is my congregation. Wherever i go, whoever i meet, i pray that the love of god flows from me to them.

No, i don't need a platform. The world is my congregation, and my home the only platform i need.

So there you go, bro. Epley. I had my chance to preach... And i turned it down. Does that count?
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
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Old 06-06-2015, 11:55 PM
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Re: End Time Army of Women Preachers Psalms 68:11

Maybe I need to ....
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Old 06-06-2015, 11:56 PM
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Re: End Time Army of Women Preachers Psalms 68:11

34 There is difference also between a wife and a virgin. The unmarried woman careth for the things of the Lord, that she may be holy both in body and in spirit:but she that is married careth for the things of the world, how she may please her husband.
Phillips prophesying daughters where virgins. They could be both holy in body and spirit. What things do you suppose they would care for of the Lord. What kind of teaching could a young virgin teach and older married woman. I don't see any exceptions for deacons and bishops, but I am not so sure that Paul meant to exclude women from preaching.

The problem is the way the church operates now. The church would assemble to be taught and women were instructed to set back and listen and question their husbands later if there was any questions. Today our church assemblies are just as much evangelistic meetings as they are church assemblies. What I mean is that it isn't all the church that is present on Sunday (sinners and saints). IMO, souls where converted first before being brought into the fold, but now we first bring them into the fold to convert them.

For a woman to declare the gospel of Jesus Christ on Sunday to a mixed crowd may not be exactly what Paul was speaking of being silent at. Matter of fact if Paul was here, he probably would set a lot of us straight on how we do church instead of being the church. I don't recall any of the disciples inviting anyone to church. Herein lies the problem.

Women should feel to evangelize and reach the lost, but are to leave church governing to men.I believe the gospel can be shared by women, but they are not to demonstrate authority over the man.
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Old 06-07-2015, 12:00 AM
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Re: End Time Army of Women Preachers Psalms 68:11

Originally Posted by KeptByTheWord View Post
Maybe I need to ....
No way sister that was so beautiful! Thank you for making my day.

We will be praying for you and your family in Jesus name.

Guts to do what is right and stand on the truth of the WORD and not some extra Biblical doctrine based purely on religious emotion.

Again thank you in Jesus name!
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
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Old 06-07-2015, 12:02 AM
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Re: End Time Army of Women Preachers Psalms 68:11

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
I was quite shook up for days after that experience, we all were. My husband did talk to the pastor and explain to him that we both felt that way about women in ministry. Pastor did not take it well, but thankfully, we are still friends with that pastor today, although we will not ever go back because of that doctrine (and many others) that are false.

At any rate, I will never cease to be amazed at how I heard from the Lord BEFORE it all took place, and I will forever be grateful for that.
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Old 06-07-2015, 12:04 AM
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Re: End Time Army of Women Preachers Psalms 68:11

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
No way sister that was so beautiful! Thank you for making my day.

We will be praying for you and your family in Jesus name.

Guts to do what is right and stand on the truth of the WORD and not some extra Biblical doctrine based purely on religious emotion.

Again thank you in Jesus name!
It is a testimony that honestly I have never shared before, publicly at least. There is always trepidation when you do that. I hope it blesses, and encourages.
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Old 06-07-2015, 12:05 AM
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Re: End Time Army of Women Preachers Psalms 68:11

Originally Posted by KeptByTheWord View Post
I was quite shook up for days after that experience, we all were. My husband did talk to the pastor and explain to him that we both felt that way about women in ministry. Pastor did not take it well, but thankfully, we are still friends with that pastor today, although we will not ever go back because of that doctrine (and many others) that are false.

At any rate, I will never cease to be amazed at how I heard from the Lord BEFORE it all took place, and I will forever be grateful for that.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
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Old 06-07-2015, 12:06 AM
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Re: End Time Army of Women Preachers Psalms 68:11

Paul as a Pharisee had to have been married, due to the Judean culture, he was alone due to his conversion and seemingly remained that way.
I never realized that Paul could have been married prior to his conversion. Wouldn't that mean he would be abandoning his responsibility to his wife. Unless there are some details such as: if the unbelieving wanted to depart and he let them depart. I think that it is easier to simply explain that Paul was unwed. If conversion allows us to leave our partner in marriage, that doesn't sound right.
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