Originally Posted by Praxeas
What apology? What picture? Someone show me
In addition to modifying names on posts is appears that you and I are going to block and post these pictures for years.
I have time to do this until they are left alone. Do you?
Aug 20, 2013 this picture was posted on Art Wilson's facebook page
"The United Nations Chapel, where we are now calling it The International Church of the United Nations
August 22 this picture was tweeted by Art Wilson, no title
August 26, 2013 this same picture was tweeted by Art Wilson titled @ActsKnight Service at the United Nations Chapel.
November 24, 2014, this same picture was used in the church anniversary video
On April 24, 2015, it was discovered that this picture came from this website:
and came from a play called "The Story of Ruth and Naomi
On April 25, a statement was issued, not publicly, but on a closed forum for Pentecostal ministers, referring to posting and using this picture, that "we now see that wasn't a wise choice" with some stammering about security, secrecy, and "high-level officials". This same stammering has been happening right here.
No pictures of real services were ever posted until a year after they started using this one to represent their ministry there. August or Sept, 2014 is the first record that real pictures were posted.
Hopefully that clears. Fixing just takes a minute once the links are saved LOL