Originally Posted by CC1
There are a lot of different resources for new people to get plugged into the church and learn. In addition to our mid week small groups we off "Experience University" classes on a variety of subjects including apologetics. There is not a new converts class as such at this time but a lot of learning opportunties outside of the main Sunday service for all persons.
We have very simple services that we don't deviate from and we feel like that is one of the reasons for our phenomenal growth. Our services are simply announcements, a time of praise & worship, the lesson which is the Bible verse by verse chapter by chapter book by book, an invitation to prayer and communion (every Sunday). In the approx. four years at this church I could count on one hand the number of times anything additional has been added. No guest singers, no guest preachers, no birthday songs, no offering (during announcements the tithe/ offering bowls are pointed out for people to give after the service).
I'm glad to hear it that your church has a support system in place to disciple those new to the faith. So many times the focus is on the baptism, and HG filling, and then so many fall by the wayside because no one is there to support and encourage their baby steps in the Lord.