Originally Posted by good samaritan
Having sex can be quit. People may have to be delivered of some of lustful desires but the act of fornication is a choice. God will never possess your body and do the work for you. Where there is no sex there is no need for a person to explain their sexuality. No matter what a person's desires if they are not actively engaging in the sin they don't have to claim to be anything. So you can quit being homosexual.
Whose gonna check their bedroom? Reminds me of preachers wives checking girl luggage for illegal pajamas.
Just preach the gospel, counsel those that come for it, if there is no overt behavior in the church, leave them alone, and let the Lord do his work.
But he can't do his work if you abort the seed of truth and faith in a person's heart before it can take root.
If the Lord doesn't do the work all your efforts are vain, they'll just leave and remain in their sin, convinced that like you, God hates them.