Where, oh where is Jermyn? I hope he's paying attention to the news today. Records which have been unsealed show Cosby admitted to buying drugs with the intent to drug women and have sex with them. Last month, Cosby's lawyers fought to keep the records sealed, arguing that the release of these records could be embarrassing to Cosby by detailing Cosby's marriage, sex life and prescription drug use. They also argued it could prejudice a jury pool.
No wonder Cosby didn't want this coming out. It proves he did it! He's guilty by his own admission!
"Cosby admitted to acquiring quaaludes with the intent of giving them to women he wanted to have sex with, and giving the drug to several women, in testimony for a sexual-abuse case filed by former Temple University employee Andrea Constand."
"In documents obtained by The Associated Press Cosby said he obtained seven quaalude prescriptions in the 1970s. Constand's lawyer asked if he had kept the sedatives through the 1990s, after they were banned, but was frustrated by objections from Cosby's attorney.
"When you got the quaaludes, was it in your mind that you were going to use these quaaludes for young women that you wanted to have sex with?" Troiani asked.
"Yes," Cosby answered.
"Did you ever give any of these young women the quaaludes without their knowledge?" Troiani asked.
Cosby's lawyer again objected, leading Troiani to petition the federal judge to force Cosby to cooperate."
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