A good friend of mine passed today. He lived for God the best he knew how.
He was a mentor to me.
Bro Joe Guererro lived in Chicago with his family. He used to be UPC, but broke away several years ago.
He walked away from some things that I hold dear, yet I stayed in touch with him.
He died believing in One God and Jesus' name baptism and the infilling of the Holy Ghost as evidenced by speaking in tongues.
To say that I loved him dearly is an understatment. He was a good friend and helped to guide me in many ways with talks that we had. He is partly responsible for me taking the step to get licensed as a minister. I may not have done it without his encouragement.
I never got to hear him preach nor he I. We were separated by long travel distances that neither of us could afford.
I had hoped to go see him. Now I will, but he is gone to his reward.
I will see a shell that was used of God.
A form that became what God wanted him to be.
An individual that followed Him regardless of what anyone thought about it.
He leaves behind a family that will retain good memories of a loving father who did the best that he knew how to do.
I am grateful to have known him.
I am reassured that I will see him again one day. We will run down the streets of gold together. I lookw forward to bowing before our God and Saviour Jesus Christ together one day. It will be a glorious reunion.
Psalm 116:15 Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints.