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Old 10-08-2014, 03:03 PM
Rudy Rudy is offline
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CBS news report on tithing. Video.



Go here on tithing----->


If it is God's will for your illness then why are you seeking medical attention to get rid of it?
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Old 10-09-2014, 05:49 AM
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Re: CBS news report on tithing. Video.

Yep, use a liberal TV program to slam worship... NICE... Not!
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Old 10-09-2014, 07:59 AM
Sean Sean is offline

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Re: CBS news report on tithing. Video.

Originally Posted by UnTraditional View Post
Yep, use a liberal TV program to slam worship... NICE... Not!

Ya mean, not worship(tithing)
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Old 10-09-2014, 08:03 AM
Sean Sean is offline

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Re: CBS news report on tithing. Video.

They teach, tithing is worship...LOL

As the saints march weekly with check in hand and trained to say..."thank you God that I get to(but thinking, I am forced to) give this tithe....LOL

You can train the mouth, but you cant train the brain, unless you WASH it thoroughly!
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Old 10-09-2014, 08:23 AM
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Re: CBS news report on tithing. Video.

The world is always interested in any kind of controversy within the church, especially anything involving money. Churches just need to understand that giving IS an integral part of our faith, yet to mandate it by using fear of the wrath of God is wrong, unbiblical, and simply man-made. Yet... all those who are teaching the tithe won't acknowledge the scriptures at all, but simply make emotional appeals, because that is all they have.

Even people, such as UNtraditional who are faithful tithe givers have financial issues.

One shouldn't give to the church in order hoping to avoid any kind of financial difficulty, yet that is the mindset of many who do.

You shouldn't give to the church so you can get a huge tax write-off come tax season - yet many if not most do.

Giving to the Lord out of a heart full of love for Him is the only acceptable offering the Lord receives anyway.
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Old 10-09-2014, 08:24 AM
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Re: CBS news report on tithing. Video.

By the way, interesting video. It is obvious that there is no denomination out there that depends on the tithing $$ that wants to acknowledge that it is wrong, and not found anywhere in NT teachings.
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Old 10-09-2014, 09:14 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: CBS news report on tithing. Video.

To teach that failure to tithe will bring damnation or cursing is the sin of extortion.

If international non-profit organizations can fund massive multi-million dollar efforts throughout the world on voluntary giving... so can the church of Christ. The problem is... pastors don't have the faith it takes to depend upon the Holy Spirit to provide generously through people who have no requirement to give.

It's extortion on account of a lack of faith.

Think about it...

If a pastor can tell a struggling woman on Social Security, who barely has enough money to pay her bills and eat three times a day, that she should tithe or be cursed... he's using her religious moorings to extort money from her. It's an injustice. And if she offers any degree of concern, pastors like these will say, "Sister, be obedient to God. Just have faith that God will see you through."

Who is the one who has a lack of "faith"? The sister trying to make it buy on barely enough to survive... or the pastor (with a home, three cars, and children attending private schools, and regular vacations) who dangles a curse over her head to take her money to fund the "vision" of his ministry???

Not to mention... I know of a church that dedicated over $70,000 dollars from their mission's fund to a missionary in Africa... who doesn't exist! Anything you want to bet that this is some kind of slush-fund for the pastor's family.
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Old 10-09-2014, 09:46 AM
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Re: CBS news report on tithing. Video.

Originally Posted by KeptByTheWord View Post
The world is always interested in any kind of controversy within the church, especially anything involving money. Churches just need to understand that giving IS an integral part of our faith, yet to mandate it by using fear of the wrath of God is wrong, unbiblical, and simply man-made. Yet... all those who are teaching the tithe won't acknowledge the scriptures at all, but simply make emotional appeals, because that is all they have.

Even people, such as UNtraditional who are faithful tithe givers have financial issues.

One shouldn't give to the church in order hoping to avoid any kind of financial difficulty, yet that is the mindset of many who do.

You shouldn't give to the church so you can get a huge tax write-off come tax season - yet many if not most do.

Giving to the Lord out of a heart full of love for Him is the only acceptable offering the Lord receives anyway.
It is a bold faced lie to say all those who are teaching the tithe won't acknowledge the scriptures at all

We do use scriptures when we teach the tithe.
I think you need to be reminded of the commandment that says
"You shall not raise a false witness against your neighbor"
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Old 10-09-2014, 12:12 PM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: CBS news report on tithing. Video.

Originally Posted by FlamingZword View Post
It is a bold faced lie to say all those who are teaching the tithe won't acknowledge the scriptures at all

We do use scriptures when we teach the tithe.
I think you need to be reminded of the commandment that says
"You shall not raise a false witness against your neighbor"
Tithers (meaning those who command tithing for benefit over cursing or Heaven over Hell) do indeed "use scriptures" when they teach tithing. The issue is their using said Scriptures out of their biblical context and misapplying them as they might relate to proper covenantal dispensation.

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Old 10-09-2014, 12:15 PM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: CBS news report on tithing. Video.

I really enjoyed the video. I found the comparison to Indulgences rather striking. It is indeed a very similar racket.
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