Originally Posted by Fionn mac Cumh
its sad that you equate showing or not showing skin as being saved.
I'm not sure how you deduced that from the caption "Too much SKIN and Too much SIN"...
Notice the conjunction "AND", which means "skin" IN ADDITION TO "sin".
Actually the Street Preacher deals with things such as:
Immodest dress
Lewd Behavior (For examples of lewd behavior see in the video [3:37], [4:43], [4:56], [9:16], [10:00], [12:47], [13:29], [15:25])
Swearing (Cussing)
Premarital Sex
Lesbianism and Homosexuality
The Need for REPENTENCE FROM SIN and Turning to Christ
The Need for Holiness [7:47] "Without holiness, no man shall see God."
In fact, at the [9:10] mark, one young girl BRAGS about having done everything on the preacher's "Sin List", which was apparently listed on a sign.