What will you do without water?
We had a nasty storm come through our area Saturday evening (the second of two straight line wind storms here in less than 10 days). Many people in our area had just gotten power back on after being out for 6-7 days. Thankfully, we did not lose power or have any damages in the first storm. However, Saturday night, our power went out as a major transformer was taken down that supplied power to an area of 100 miles or more. Thousands of people are without power, and many may not get power for weeks, because of the tree damage.
We suffered no property damage in the storm, however two of our beautiful huge trees went down, along with multiple other trees. It could have been worse, so we are very thankful. However, our power has been out now for almost two days.
We have a generator, which is keeping our refrigerator and freezers going. Water, however, is the issue that many people don't realize how necessary it is. Luckily, we live in an area where there is a clear mountain spring that is piped out of the mountain and is open to the public to use for drinking water year round. So, we have been blessed to get our water there.
However, this power outage has gotten me to thinking about water, and how necessary it is. We can live without electricity pretty easily, and comfortably, if you have a generator. However, one thing that we don't have is a well that could be switched over to run by a generator. That is something we have learned many people have in this area, and is something we want to plan to get in the future.
However... how many of you are prepared to have enough water should you find yourselves unexpectedly without electricity?
I do know one thing, we plan to buy more water just to have in store, because if we were unable to access gasoline, that would pose a much bigger problem. No electricity, and no gas or diesel or propane available... how would we cope then? Just questions we are asking ourselves, and I thought it would be good to talk about here.