Originally Posted by Dordrecht
What would be the causes for leukemia?
the American lifestyle; of which many Pentecostals engage, unawares. Eating out of the center aisles of a grocery store. Understand that every person is different in their tolerances for...everything. When you grasp that even your food supply has been commandeered, and adulterated--and that sick people make better consumers--and seek "natural leukemia cures" on Google (many, many people have remediated leukemia this way), this pov, which surely sounds weird at first (stems from seeing that satan runs the world, ergo if one is 'in the world' in any fashion, the consequences will be __________; in this case, "leukemia") becomes a bit clearer.
Are you aware that Monsanto almost completely controls your food supply now, Dordt--from seed to table--and yet they do not serve their own food in their own cafeterias? And that their food is not allowed in any government cafeterias either? think about that.