hmm, to that i would reply that it is not my business to judge other peoples' salvation. That is between them and God, however they see Him. Shinto is a pagan religion, so off to a bad start, imo; but that does not mean that some Shinto's may not have spiritually discovered "pick up your cross," which after all is just how we say "sacrifice yourself so that others may see."
Yes, i have moved the line--off the page, and into the spiritual--i would like to believe--which to me is just how we say "into the everyday human transactions of life." Now, relating that to your quote, i read "if being the bigger person in a difficult matter eludes you, it is because you have no clue." Would you accept that?
honestly with all respect, I dont understand what your saying. i do think that at the end of the day we are miles from one another. I believe (because my eyeballs have seen) that there are absolutes in scripture. I further believe that it is not mean or nasty or hateful to agree with scripture about those absolutes.
There is one door, and anyone trying to enter via some other way is a theif.
But that doesnt mean I hate the lost or glory in thier demise.
THAT doesnt mean when some former Apostolic comes along and tells me I am an idiot, that I am going to just smile and tell them blessed be.... or whatever.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
Ferd, you need to take a little trip to the Middle East, where this all started. This is the most violent and volatile area on our Planet, where people are slaughtering each other in the name of Religion.
This is the problem with most American Christians: They see through the corrupted lens of our Culture, where we go to Church on Sunday and become God's friend if we'll follow a certain Tradition or Teaching. ALL Religions in the World do this in one form or another!
Don't forget, Ferd, Jesus Christ was murdered by the Religious. He made them furious, calling them blind hypocrites, full of dead men's bones, even though they were the most well versed in Scripture. In the United States, we have made Jesus into a United States figure, based upon a Sunday School message, a coloring book, or the latest movie.
When the Thief of the cross was pardoned, no Religion on Earth was there to appease his death bed confession. A man sought for mercy, and mercy was given. But to you "Know it All's", you would be trying to yank him off of the cross for a quick baptism, then you would scream in his face until he spoke in tongues.
Religion is the bondage of holding mercy to yourself.
quit changing the subject dude.
YOU tossed a molotov coctail into a room full of OPs then decry the OPs for getting on your case.
Frankly the middle east has nothing to do with this thread. the only thing the middle east has to do with anything here is your attempt to use it to deflect from your hypocracy.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
amen to that. as long as it serves you, by all means keep it. but if/when you keep noticing strife around it, at least examine it, wadr. i mean strife among believers, as you will of course cause the evil to strive if you are practicing correctly.
I have tried to point this out so many times on this Forum. After 35 years in the UPCI, the word, "United", became a misnomer with me. When I was a pastor, the phone would ring, and it would be another pastor who did nothing but bash the neighboring UPC Church.
If it wasn't Standards, it was "Sheep Stealing", or compromised preaching. I was so sick of hearing this nonsense, I finally stopped answering the phone so I didn't have to listen to this Religious rhetoric that is so prevalent in Christianity.
Regardless of what people believe, this strife runs deep in the realm of Religion for one, simple reason; Facts based upon Myth.
YOU tossed a molotov coctail into a room full of OPs then decry the OPs for getting on your case.
Frankly the middle east has nothing to do with this thread. the only thing the middle east has to do with anything here is your attempt to use it to deflect from your hypocracy.
Exactly what Jesus did!! You know, when he went to Church and did a little "Table Flipping" with a little whip to add to the cocktail!
The Middle East has plenty to do with this subject. It's where your Religion came from.
I have God's Word right here and study it daily. I know what we in the UPC and other good oneness holiness churches preach is truth and there is no other way.
NFS, I have a question for you that if you would, just relax and answer. Now you said you were a UPC pastor for years. I would like to ask you for a list of every unbiblical thing that you can think of that is taught from the ministry's official doctrines. If you could itemize them it would be great. I will not rebut your post. I just want to see your point of view.(please dont talk about carnal stuff like gossipy preachers, etc., just doctrinal stuff)...thanks, I will wait on your reply.
honestly with all respect, I dont understand what your saying. i do think that at the end of the day we are miles from one another. I believe (because my eyeballs have seen) that there are absolutes in scripture...
Ok, well please understand that i just came here and read this little mutual admiration society back-slapping thread, and decided that a little disagreement--just to be disagreeable--might provide some illumination. I believe the same words you believe; but possibly i just believe them for me, and (try to) apply grace to everyone else. I personally have some pretty extreme 'holiness' standards; that i don't expect you, or anyone else on the planet, to agree with. If i, perchance, happen to hit on a truly better way (of interpreting Scripture), then i expect it to shine, and attract--and if not, then maybe i am the one still seeking in that area.
Ah, the absolutes--tell you what, gimme a Scriptural absolute, and i'll give you the Scriptural denial of its absolution, what do you say? Surely you have discerned that for every Scripture, there is another that seems to contradict it? That the context is what matters?
Originally Posted by Ferd
I further believe that it is not mean or nasty or hateful to agree with scripture about those absolutes.
Personally, you mean? A big amen--oh, but you really mean that i have to agree to your 'absolutes,' right?
I have a question for you: would you be offended if i came to your church in a pair of shorts and flip-flops, and nothing else? How about if i brought my wife, and she were dressed the same way? No top?
Originally Posted by Ferd
There is one door, and anyone trying to enter via some other way is a theif.
Yes, i agree--and the door is not contained in words; how you hold your mouth makes no difference. Still one door, tho, yes.
"You pore over the Scriptures because you think you have eternal life in them, yet they testify about Me."
Originally Posted by Ferd
THAT doesnt mean when some former Apostolic comes along and tells me I am an idiot, that I am going to just smile and tell them blessed be.... or whatever.
hey, i can relate...but, how do you offend a Christian, Ferd?