Originally Posted by Disciple4life
Recently I read a book They Speak With Other Tongues. It is a great story where a writer starts investigating speaking in tongues for an article. There was a group of charismatics that were witnessing about the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Eventually the writer and his wife both are baptized with the Holy Ghost and they go on to witness to others. The whole movement kind of had an underground feel to the story. This book and Nine O’clock in the Morning started the charismatic movement which spread across the country.
Have Pentecostals dropped the ball?
Why isn’t there an Apostolic move of God spreading across the country?
People will accept speaking in tongues but they won’t accept baptism in Jesus name?
I just don’t understand this.
I don't know of anyone who would reject baptism in Jesus name and most of my current acquaintances are trintarians. I think the Father, Son, Holy Ghost practice is just tradition.
The Charismatic movement is on the decline also. The big thing now that I'm observing is the seeker friendly movement. I have several pastor friends who have growing churches, do not emphasize most of the gifts of the Spirit, such as tongues and interpretation, but rather emphasize life issues. Sin is hardly, if ever mentioned and hell and judgment isn't mentioned at all. So, it's not just the traditional oneness and Trinitarian Pentecostal churches which are on the decline, it's the traditional Charismatic churches which emphasize the gifts of the Spirit.
Having roots in oneness Pentecostalism from the 1950s, I can tell you that the oneness Pentecostals then and the oneness Pentecostals now are somewhat different. Then, the worship was purer (in my opinion), the music was wasn't a production of entertainment, the preaching was not as polished, the churches were usually not the best in town.
Looking throughout history, religious movements begin, are dominate for a period of time, they become like other movements and then they wane. In my opinion, oneness Pentecostalism will never enjoy the success and power of the past. That movement's time is over. But God will again, as has happened time after time, raise up another group, another movement to replace the one before. And it will go through it's cycle of power and growth and waning.
Looking for the Church in a denomination, and oneness Pentecostalism is a denomination, will almost always result on one missing the latest move of God. Folks become loyal to a denomination, a movement, instead of simply enjoying the benefits of the Kingdom of God. While oneness Pentecostalism may be a part of the Kingdom, it's not the Kingdom.
So, I'm excited at what's coming. It will be another very very powerful move of God.