Your unscriptural doctrines are a hindrance to the true Gospel, and have caused many young in the faith to stumble, with many never recovering. Some of us have to help pick up the pieces afterward.
My wife and I are first hand of this problem in regard to the "holiness standards". They teach them as truth and equally important as Acts 2:38; some even teach them preceding salvation. They do so by telling people that this pleases God and that they might not understand holiness standards, they just need to do them and God will give them a revelation later.
You ask any OP what they would do if someone in their family or church no longer saw that these standards were Biblical and they will tell you they wouldn't treat that person any different. But actions speak louder than words, we did this and we have been called backsliders, hypocrites, judgmental of "holiness", lied upon, talked about, belittled on social media - all because we don't 100% agree with said standards. Not one time did we tell anyone they were wrong for holding their standard, but to respect our view as well; that never happened. I am sure we are now some Sunday night altar call plea reaching for the souls of people so they don't fall into "false doctrine".
You have judge me to damnation Rhema, and you know nothing about me, or what I believe. I first commented when your post mentioned that you wore a beard for gender distinction, and I commented at how foolish that sounded. I don't have a clue as to why a man would need to wear a beard to be identified as a man. I think what angered you most with my post is the fact that I pointed that out to you, or questioned your motive. So then you start spouting out vile and accusing me about my belief. My status only states that I am Christian, not that i'm Apostolic. So there you have it. So take that to your Library and reason it out as best you can.
Considering the anger and hate that you bring to this forum, if it were in my ability to do so, you would be banned before you could blink your eyes twice, but since I don't have that ability, if I am to remain here, I will challenge you each time I choose to do so, concerning ridiculous posts.
You go, Girl. We like a lady with spunk.
Do Not Argue With Idiots, they will just bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.
My wife and I are first hand of this problem in regard to the "holiness standards". They teach them as truth and equally important as Acts 2:38; some even teach them preceding salvation. They do so by telling people that this pleases God and that they might not understand holiness standards, they just need to do them and God will give them a revelation later.
You ask any OP what they would do if someone in their family or church no longer saw that these standards were Biblical and they will tell you they wouldn't treat that person any different. But actions speak louder than words, we did this and we have been called backsliders, hypocrites, judgmental of "holiness", lied upon, talked about, belittled on social media - all because we don't 100% agree with said standards. Not one time did we tell anyone they were wrong for holding their standard, but to respect our view as well; that never happened. I am sure we are now some Sunday night altar call plea reaching for the souls of people so they don't fall into "false doctrine".
Yes this is why I feel the platform standards thing is bogus. Its just a subtle way of saying certain things like men wearing beards is sin.
Last night on Paltalk I was teaching on holiness. A guy came to the mic and said I was being dishonest what I was teaching because as a Oneness Pentecostal I was REALLY promoting all kinds of unbiblical "standards".
Other strands of believers have just come to assume if you are Oneness you are teaching "standards".
I tell anyone who will listen there is one standard set by Christ.
Be ye therefore perfect even as your Father in Heaven is perfect. Matt 5:48.
Yes this is why I feel the platform standards thing is bogus. Its just a subtle way of saying certain things like men wearing beards is sin.
Last night on Paltalk I was teaching on holiness. A guy came to the mic and said I was being dishonest what I was teaching because as a Oneness Pentecostal I was REALLY promoting all kinds of unbiblical "standards".
Other strands of believers have just come to assume if you are Oneness you are teaching "standards".
I tell anyone who will listen there is one standard set by Christ.
Be ye therefore perfect even as your Father in Heaven is perfect. Matt 5:48.
Couldn't he see that you weren't a "holiness standard" person.
Do Not Argue With Idiots, they will just bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.