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12-16-2013, 10:12 AM
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Re: Is There A Difference In?
I guess some automatically jump to the conclusion that when I mention a standard of holiness and instantly think I meant standard of HOLINESS
dress, when in fact, in my opinion it's two different things.

12-16-2013, 10:13 AM
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Re: Is There A Difference In?
Originally Posted by Miss Scarlett
Is that how you feel about our Ladies, that they go around in OUT-Dated Attire? Our ladies look very nice and up to date. We may be from the south, but we do not look like Old Time washer women, and this post is very offensive to those of us who still choose to wear skirts.
Do these people look as if they are dressing in Out Dated Attire, or do they look like happy Christians, who joy in serving God?
Originally Posted by n david
It shouldn't offend. I've heard and read remarks like this before:
It's unfair to paint with a broad brush. I have seen very, very few UPC women wearing out-dated attire or look like they've stepped out of a time machine. It's not to say I haven't seen them, but it's very rare. So suggesting that because someone believes in dress standards is out of date or unfashionable is not entirely accurate.
I apologize for making a broad statement that has offended. Honestly, I did not mean to offend and the pics that Miss Scarlett posted show beautiful people that are dressed modestly and in current trends. Please accept my apologies.
The point I was trying to make is that some are too concerned with how to appear different from the world. If we want to stand out that kind of goes against modesty in that it is immodest if we stand out too much. The skirt wearing women of the 1950's didn't stand out in an obvious manner whereas sometimes they do now.
I agree that we shouldn't tie certain 'holiness' standards to salvation and judge solely on hair/skirt length, make-up, jewelry, etc.
Again, I apologize for my insensitive comments.
Last edited by obriencp; 12-16-2013 at 10:14 AM.
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12-16-2013, 10:58 AM
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Re: Is There A Difference In?
Originally Posted by obriencp
I apologize for making a broad statement that has offended. Honestly, I did not mean to offend and the pics that Miss Scarlett posted show beautiful people that are dressed modestly and in current trends. Please accept my apologies.
The point I was trying to make is that some are too concerned with how to appear different from the world. If we want to stand out that kind of goes against modesty in that it is immodest if we stand out too much. The skirt wearing women of the 1950's didn't stand out in an obvious manner whereas sometimes they do now.
I agree that we shouldn't tie certain 'holiness' standards to salvation and judge solely on hair/skirt length, make-up, jewelry, etc.
Again, I apologize for my insensitive comments.
Thank you very much, your apology is accepted and very much appreciated. I did not start this thread to start any type rudeness or name calling. I never mentioned that our dress was a heaven or hell issue, I guess it was just assumed. Enough said on this post.

12-16-2013, 11:07 AM
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Re: Is There A Difference In?
Originally Posted by Miss Scarlett
A Pastor teaching a standard of Holiness.....or
A Pastor teaching on a Holiness standard of dress?
Yes, there is a difference.
I am thankful for both teachings!

12-16-2013, 11:09 AM
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Re: Is There A Difference In?
Originally Posted by Lacey
Yes, there is a difference.
I am thankful for both teachings! 
Thank you Lacey for your understanding.

12-16-2013, 11:22 AM
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Re: Is There A Difference In?
Originally Posted by KeptByTheWord
You have made the usual OP points regarding standards, without a single verse here that correlates holiness with clothing. Please search the scriptures, and supply just ONE scripture that equates holiness with outward clothing. Just one.
To address your points ....
1. "It not only says be ye holy for I am holy".
HOW are we to be holy like God, if God is a spirit? Does God wear clothing? Please answer this question.
2. "When people look at you, do they have to wonder or guess who you are?"
Jesus said this about your point, John 13:34-35 "A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another, by this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, IF YE HAVE LOVE ONE TO ANOTHER."
These words are from Jesus himself.... the way people should know who we are is by our love one to another.... he never said a word about clothing, and He certainly could have... but He didn't. Think about this! How you treat those around you is how you demonstrate that you are a disciple of Jesus! Not a word here about clothing.
And like a couple of others have pointed out... why is the need to look different from the world always on the woman? Do not men need to look different somehow as well?
3. Has a a stranger ever approached you and said, "I can tell you walk with the Lord." Has anyone ever cried on your shoulder and told you their story and ask for prayer, without knowing your name. They won't do that if you have an ring in your lip, too short skirt or purple hair. There is a difference. holiness is reflected outside. Holiness should be your apostolic life. being saved is for life.
Yes, Maritha, I don't look the part of a typical OP lady most of the time, although if I choose to, I can certainly put my hair up in a bun, put on a dress, and look like a OP lady. But I have been dressed wearing slacks, light makeup, a touch of jewelry, and have had strangers ask me where I attend church, have witnessed to many, many people ask me to pray for them. You see, it is the spirit that flows through me that lets people know that there is something about me that is different, and it is the SPIRIT of God that their spirit bears witness to, not my clothing.
I certainly wouldn't wear purple hair, or a ring in my lip, or any other such punk nonsense. Women can look just as modest in a pair of slacks as a skirt, and to be sure, I've seen a lot of women look very inappropriate in a skirt, and this in most OP churches....
I recognize the mindset that you have, and it is difficult after being taught these things for many years to look at someone and think that because they have a pair of slacks on that they must not be saved.
But according to the words of Jesus, what matters most is what is on the inside of our heart first, and that is how men will know that we are HIS disciples, by our love for Him, and for one another.
When the inside is made right, He WILL work on the OUTWARD part too. Isn't this correct.

12-16-2013, 11:24 AM
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Re: Is There A Difference In?
Originally Posted by Miss Scarlett
A Pastor teaching a standard of Holiness.....or
A Pastor teaching on a Holiness standard of dress?
I believe that the error is in teaching that what we wear makes us "holy". This is so far from the truth. What makes us "holy" is the blood of Jesus and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit that leads us deeper and deeper into Christlikeness. When we are "holy" we seek to be modest as we learn God's desire for us with regards to how we are to live. But the modesty doesn't make us holy... it is a byproduct of an inward holiness that is seeking to be like Jesus in effort to draw closer and closer to God.

12-16-2013, 11:36 AM
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Re: Is There A Difference In?
Having experienced very hurtful things from both sides does not excuse me from assuming or lashing out as I did. Thank you for accepting my apology.

12-16-2013, 12:51 PM
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Re: Is There A Difference In?
Just curious here. In the pictures posted in this thread, how are the guys dressed any differently from the men in the world? How can the world see those guys and know by their dressing that they are christians?
Or are holiness dress standards for women only?
...Testifying both to the Jews, and also to the Greeks, repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ...(Acts 20:21)

12-16-2013, 01:43 PM
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Re: Is There A Difference In?
Originally Posted by TGBTG
Just curious here. In the pictures posted in this thread, how are the guys dressed any differently from the men in the world? How can the world see those guys and know by their dressing that they are christians?
Because they don't have beards
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