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Old 12-15-2013, 12:20 PM
shazeep shazeep is offline

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Re: How can you tell?

Ok, and all this 'i am a prophet' stuff naively ignores that in order to have a 'prophet,' some Canon must be open. Common sense will verify that a prophet must have a place to record their prophecies? So please consider who you might be a prophet of, if you say this about yourself.

If you declare yourself a prophet of God, you are basically saying, "I have more to add to the end of the Revelation."
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Old 12-15-2013, 12:25 PM
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Re: How can you tell?

Originally Posted by shazeep View Post
Yes, it is easy to throw rocks at the one the village has rejected. You may have forgotten--or were blessed to have already overcome--the difficulty of transitioning to forums as a medium of communication? I am surely jealous, in that case...
I find it very interesting that most of the believers here reject him, outright. Somehow, they seem to know he's not a real prophet (or oracle or whatever), even though a "real" prophet's message was often at odds with the audience's expectations, in the Bible.

As for whether T2DR's message lines up with the Bible (the acid test), who can know? Parts of the Bible sometimes seem not to line up with other parts of the Bible! Any scripture can be made to agree with any other scripture, no matter how much they seem to contradict each other. The same methods can be applied to a purported message from God.

P.S. If you think I think he may be a real prophet, you don't know me very well!
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty

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Old 12-15-2013, 12:45 PM
shazeep shazeep is offline

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Re: How can you tell?

Originally Posted by Timmy View Post
1) I find it very interesting that most of the believers here reject him, outright. Somehow, they seem to know he's not a real prophet (or oracle or whatever), even though a "real" prophet's message was often at odds with the audience's expectations, in the Bible.

2) ...Parts of the Bible sometimes seem not to line up with other parts of the Bible! Any scripture can be made to agree with any other scripture, no matter how much they seem to contradict each other. The same methods can be applied to a purported message from God.
1) Well, Bert has not said anything untrue, necessarily; prolly most would even agree to this? But it is the delivery that denies Christ, i think; not that i can talk
2) You are aware that this is delineated in Scripture, yes? The why of this? Why you are confounded by Scripture? You might start a thread on this, and we can go from there. All those 'freaky-spiritual' concepts at that passage really just reduce to common sense, imo.
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Old 12-15-2013, 02:45 PM
pastor RICK pastor RICK is offline
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Re: How can you tell?

Originally Posted by Timmy View Post
Do you have special powers that let you know when you read truly inspired scriptures, or fake ones? Can you know the difference between a random hunch (even if it turns out to be true) and God's still, small voice? Can you tell the difference between a delusional person and a true prophet? Do you know when someone gives you a word of knowledge that it is the real thing or fake, even if it is a correct guess?

Do only Christians have these special powers? Only Oneness Pentecostal believers?
it is called the spirit of discernment // john 10 says about my sheep know my voice and a stranger they wont follow ...
special powers i gues you can say that becuase anything god does is special// have seen in many times folks that have no gifts in their life just put down those that do . its really just jealousy...are there false people ,oh yes for sure..there spirit will tell on them ,ttheir life wont be right before god //if we dont know the difference between the real and the false we need a new dose of the holy ghost!
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Old 12-15-2013, 02:46 PM
pastor RICK pastor RICK is offline
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Re: How can you tell?

i am pretty sure who this was towards and i am pretty sure we all know the answer to that question.
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Old 12-15-2013, 03:34 PM
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Re: How can you tell?

Originally Posted by pastor RICK View Post
it is called the spirit of discernment // john 10 says about my sheep know my voice and a stranger they wont follow ...
special powers i gues you can say that becuase anything god does is special// have seen in many times folks that have no gifts in their life just put down those that do . its really just jealousy...are there false people ,oh yes for sure..there spirit will tell on them ,ttheir life wont be right before god //if we dont know the difference between the real and the false we need a new dose of the holy ghost!
Does one need the Holy Ghost in order to discern a false prophet?
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty

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Old 12-15-2013, 03:35 PM
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Re: How can you tell?

Originally Posted by pastor RICK View Post
i am pretty sure who this was towards and i am pretty sure we all know the answer to that question.
It was inspired by that person, but I would like to explore the concepts in terms of more general application. E.g., reading purported scriptures: pick up a "holy" book and read. Can you tell if God wrote (inspired) it or not?
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty

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Old 12-16-2013, 05:57 AM
obriencp obriencp is offline
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Re: How can you tell?

Originally Posted by Timmy View Post
Does one need the Holy Ghost in order to discern a false prophet?
I guess it would depend on how far out they are. Even unsaved people can tell if someone is truly crazy.

I'm not trying to make light of this, but in reality the closer to reality the prophetic word is, the easier it is to accept and thus potentially more dangerous. I'm more leary when people speak something over me that seems legit. That's when discernment and time will prove out whether or not it was from God or man. We are to try every spirit.
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Old 12-16-2013, 11:14 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: How can you tell?

Originally Posted by Timmy View Post
Do you have special powers that let you know when you read truly inspired scriptures, or fake ones?
I believe that there is a witness in the Spirit to a Scripture's truth. Remember, sometimes something can be "truth" and not be "fact". For example, the story of the Little Boy Who Cried Wolf. Is it "inspired" by God? Who knows if God inspired the writer of the story. Was there ever a real little boy who cried wolf? Probably not. But does the story relate a valuable truth? Yes. The "inspiration of God" can be found and felt in many different books and articles. For example, I felt the inspiration of God all over Dr. Seuss's book, Oh the Places You'll Go. lol

Can you know the difference between a random hunch (even if it turns out to be true) and God's still, small voice?
I believe that God speaks to us in many different ways. It depends on the person. Sometimes it's a "still small voice". Sometimes it's an "inner prompting" or "impression". Sometimes it's through dreams and visions. And since God resides in us... who is to say... maybe our "random hunches" aren't so random.

Can you tell the difference between a delusional person and a true prophet?
Sometimes. Sometimes not. I'd say examine the fruit. Does the person build up, bring hope, bring healing, bring forgiveness, bring grace? Or do they tear down, bring dread, bring cursing, bring unforgiveness, bring condemnation? Are their followers like Jesus? If not... I'd say that's a pretty good indicator that one is dealing with a false prophet.

Do you know when someone gives you a word of knowledge that it is the real thing or fake, even if it is a correct guess?
I think a Word of Knowledge truly speaks for itself. However, it is up to the individual to receive a Word of Knowledge. It can be rejected.

Do only Christians have these special powers? Only Oneness Pentecostal believers?
No. And no.

Well... a born again Christian receives their "powers" from the leading of the Holy Spirit. The human spirit has a degree of intuition that it brings to the table. And yes, there are darker forces that can impart a certain level of power and ability.

I don't believe that God is so wrapped up in our Christologies... as long as we acknowledge the divinity that resides in Jesus. In essence both Trinitarians and Oneness Christians believe that Jesus is God. However, the question between both Christologies is "How is Jesus God?" I believe that to God all of this is non-sensical debate.

All of that is just my opinion.
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Old 01-01-2014, 11:19 AM
shazeep shazeep is offline

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Re: How can you tell?

Nice. Hard to beat.

"Do you have special powers that let you know when you read truly inspired scriptures, or fake ones?"

This starts from a bad premise; that there might be uninspired Scriptures in the original--which are available to you--when there are not. If you study a passage, and then do not find application of it in your life (usually happens within a couple of days for me; or not), then just move on until it does? But what about when it does, but you do not relate it to the passage you have studied, because it means that you would have to give up a behavior, etc?

"Can you know the difference between a random hunch (even if it turns out to be true) and God's still, small voice?"

This begins from the improper premise that there is a difference. God's still voice surrounds you; you swim in it; your response to it is just that; your response.

"Can you tell the difference between a delusional person and a true prophet?"

Of course; we have a tried and true method. True prophets' prophecies, which are written in the Canon, all come true, without exception. There can be no prophet without an open Canon, so if you mean 'present-day prophet' you are beginning with a bad premise.

"Do you know when someone gives you a word of knowledge that it is the real thing or fake, even if it is a correct guess?"

I wonder if the problem here might be that their word might be completely true for them, but inaccessible to the inquirer for various reasons.
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