My problem isn't that he wants me to do those things. It's that he feels he has the right to tell me what to do. I don't think that's what true submission means, and I don't think that's fulfilling God's direction for him to love me.
God gives commands and we submit, because "Thus saith the Lord..."
Christ commands us, and we say "Yes, Lord" and submit.
A husband commands us, and we say "Not so, you have no right to order me to submit".
Is your husband your head or not?
If you knew Christ, as your husband's head, had ordered him to submit in some area, and your husband did not because that's not what "true submission means", do you believe your husband would be in disobedience to his Lord and Master?
I defend your right to believe as you see fit, but for you to tell me how I must believe and act is WRONG. We are all accountable to God as individuals
This isn't so. You are personally accountable to the local assembly of believers, as well as to God. The Apostles and Prophets set in order, corrected, and rebuked as necessary, so that the churches they oversaw came to believe what they were taught and told to believe.
Your personal feelings on any one matter, and how those feelings direct your actions, WILL ABSOLUTELY affect, for better or for worse, the local assembly of which you and your husband are a part.
If your husband or you are in ministry, for example, and your choices negatively affect his or her position and service to God and man, so that he or you are hindered (justly or not), then it's not just you as an individual being accountable to God only, it's also your husband and the entire local assembly.
Since you've already admitted that nothing he requires of you is sinful, then how in the world can you not submit? By not being sinful, they automatically become un-sinful, which means just and acceptable before God.
You may have no personal conviction on the matter, and may feel no need to do anything your husband is requiring of you in this area. Fine. These things, in and of themselves, are not salvational (heaven or hell).
But you've stated multiple times that you love and respect your husband. I believe you.
Remember what love does. It prefers the other person above itself, and does not seek it's own way. Your love will find a way and lead you to submit.
If may not be through feel good affection. But it will be through the principle of
agape God decrees in His word.
It's about my identity and being able to be true to what I believe. I want to obey the heart of God's message on true holiness, true modesty, true womanliness. Not just the outward show of it all...
You have no identity apart from your husband. You are one flesh. The only identity in a Christian marriage is "us". The heart of God's message includes being in subjection to your husband.
What am I supposed to tell people who ask me why I dress the way I do? What am I telling people about myself when they see the way I look?
You say, "I dress and appear this way to please my husband and be in subjection to his desire for me as his bride".
I want to do what is RIGHT, not just what I WANT. I want to know the TRUTH.
Admirable. Here is truth:
Ephesians 5:33,
33. Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband.
Reverence here is
phobeo. It means to be afraid of, in this sense:
"to reverence, venerate, to treat with deference or reverential obedience"
There is no qualifications upon this verse. It does not read that a wife only HAS to do this if the husband is loving his wife properly.
1 Peter 3:1 and 5, "in subjection" is a reflexive verb. It means the object of the verb, the wife, has to subjugate herself to her husband. It is a choice of the will.
If at any time, or in the future, you choose not to do this, you are just as guilty as you say your husband is, of not complying with the Scriptures. Don't force his hand.