Originally Posted by Disciple4life
Before we get in the whole Hell thing you do realize that the KJV translators took three different Greek words and translated each instance Hell?
When we do discuss Hell it would not be fruitful to argue if we are not willing to bring the Greek into the discussion.
Yes, Hades, means the grave, and Gehenna, which means the unquenchable fire of God's judgement upon the wicked. Tartarus is another discussion altogether.
Plus you do realize when you put stuff in red and all caps it is like you are yelling. Sure it makes you feel better. But everyone else thinks you are ranting. This is not the best way to get people to come over to your side or to win an argument.
First of all, friend, I am not interested in 'getting people to come over to my side' nor am I interested in 'winning an argument'. God's Word is what it is, we either accept it, or we do not.
Second of all, I did not type in 'all caps'.
Third of all (?!), I used emphasis, using bold font, underlining, and red type and also larger font size. This is not equivalent to 'yelling' or 'ranting'. If you think it is then perhaps you need to mature a bit.
The fact remains, the NT, which comprises only about 25 percent of the Bible, contains about 50 percent of the teaching on 'hell'. Jesus preached about hell, warned about hell, warned about final death as the fate of the wicked, Paul preached it, Peter preached, they all did. In fact, practically ALL preachers did so until about the last century or so, when suddenly 'hell' fell into disfavor, and preachers and their followers began to think that they knew better than God, and his apostles and prophets, and that they should now begin to preach a candy-coated gospel message.
Wow, everybody around here is so angry.
Seems to me you are the one getting angry about 'preaching hell'. I'm not angry. I learned awhile back getting angry over internet forum posts is silly and unproductive.