This is truly scary. We will one day have to face people like this in a civil war, I'm sure. God help us. They are soft minded people who can so easily be whipped into a frenzy. Just as Hitler was able to whip Germany into a frenzy over their "enemy" the Jew, so also are liberals being brainwashed into believing that those of us who love the Constitution and freedom are "enemies" that deserve the same fate as the Jews in WW2. Just read the comments left by this psycho who commented on a Yahoo news story...
Unlike the TEA-BAGGIN GOP, I now how to be a responsible gun-owner and not some insane POS Neo-Con who wants to shoot up schools and give this country away to the vain and vexed corporate hacks who care about only money and do not give a rats#$%$ about the American people
Keep your powder dry, boys. We are going to need it.