Originally Posted by Baron1710
Well, I do know why it was brought up. Several of us feel this is a message that is a historical marker in the life of an organization. The message and the events surrounding it set the trajectory of my religious life.
Ferd, the attitude that those of us who have generations in this movement ought to walk away and never say another word about t is baffling.
Baron, I hope you know that I respect you. We have posted together for a long time. I dont recall us ever having all out war. In fact we have been on the same side almost as often as on opposite sides....
I think my history and attitude on the subject provides the context for my comments here.
You know some of us have been posting since a lot of these things happened....or at least within proximity.
I could certainly say a lot more about it. I could tell you all about a conversation I had with a family member of the fellow in question right after the event at a Because of the Times. I know exactly how tumultuous all that was for the whole family.
Nor have I suggested that he was wrong in what he said, nor have I suggested that the forcecs behind the infernal document were right.
But Bro, we are now 20 years removed. Here we are. All these years later and we are going to dig it all up and review the whole thing?
You guys walked away. I am 5th gen Apostolic. my family was PCI before there was a UPCI. I didnt walk away. you left me and seriously I have more in commone with guys like you than I do with some of the supersillycons that ive been left with.... maybe I have my own issues with you walking away? I dunno.
I do know that from my inside perspective, Im glad I stayed. I see things happening that encourrage me. Im peeved when I think of my friends who got impatient and couldnt stay around long enough to affect the kind of change that would make the org better.
i get a bit sad when I think of friends who walked away because when they figured out that some of the junk they were taught wasnt really in the bible, they ended updeciding EVERYTHING they were taught was wrong and the packed it in and turned to stuff as unbiblical as the stuff they walked away from.
And yea, there are some hanging out with you that i do not trust. I dont trust them because I know what they want is destruction. What they want is to break what they have come to hate. period. This thread isnt the first time Ive said that. It wont be the last time.
I am protective. I admit that. I have something at stake here. I have kids I want to hand this thing over to. I given 20 years of ministry. Ive suffered and I have been utterly completely blessed. I fully admit I love the UPCI and am protective of it. WARTS AND ALL.
We arent going to agree on this. I hope this post gives you more insight in why I am the way I am. And why I have said the things I have said. In my mind, there is no question why this thread was started and it wasnt for some noble purpose. im going to stand up and say so when I see this junk.
I love ya bro. Im not against you and I dont need you to think like I think for me respect you and your walk with God. Just dont expect me to stand by and watch my own be attacked. Especially when the leaders who were the leaders when all this happened are dead and gone.