Re: Industrial Hemp And Marijuana.
Scott, Hemp is the Male Marijuana plant. Marijuana is one of the few plants on Earth that have Male and Female genetics. If Males are grown in the same garden with the Females, they will pollinate the girls and seeds will develop, causing a great loss in THC and overall yield.
The medicinal affect of THC comes mainly from the Female plant, although, the Male plant does carry some THC but not enough to warrant a real problem because you would have to use such a large amount.
People who grow Marijuana, they will destroy any Males if they are found. As the Female matures, the potency will become stronger via Genetics and no contact with pollen from the Male. We watched a Documentary on this subject and the last thing a grower wants next to his/her garden is a field of Male plants (Hemp).
Regarding the issue of using Cannabis for medical purposes, this is one of the safest and most universal medicines known to Man. There is not 1 documented death from Marijuana usage, including overdose, and the health ailments it can treat are countless. You don’t have to smoke it either for treatment, as there are oils, edibles, and other ways to consume this medicine. The Pharmaceutical companies dislike Marijuana because it’s so easy to grow and many have discovered its numerous benefits and have stopped using dangerous and addictive narcotics that keep the Pharmy’s rich.
Remember, the Pharmaceutical Companies don’t want to make you well, they want to make you a Customer!