Originally Posted by FlamingZword
I think this is precisely what you do not accept and that is why you have left the way.
You do not like the unpleasant parts of the Bible and therefore you have decided that they are not true, and that has given you the excuse to abandon the way.
Yes there are unpleasant parts of the Bible, but just because I find them unpleasant does not mean they are false.
I might get told by my dentist that I need a root canal, which is quite unpleasant, I could ignore my dentist and go on pretending everything is fine, but eventually I will have to accept the unpleasant truth that I do need a root canal.
The truth of needing a root canal will not go away just because I find the root canal unpleasant.
Scripture must be properly interpreted, tradition has grossly misinterpreted the reasons for good and evil in the creation, therefore their conclusions are way off the mark of the purpose of the all powerful, all knowing, and all loving God. The gospel is "Good News" for all, not just for a few. Religion leaves the majority valueless, and of so little importance that they can be tortured or burned to a crisp, and no one cares, particularly, the One who made them.
Why would a creator, that knows all and can to all, create a situation that would leave the vast majority of those He made without hope. The idea that anyone would reject God when the veil of this temporal existence is lifted is laughable.