Originally Posted by Miss Scarlett
Who still Soaks their dry beans before cooking them? Old folks used to think you had to soak them overnight in order for them to cook tender. That's only an old wives tale or a superstition. Dried red beans are done when cooked only a couple of hours without the soak.
I think for a couple of reasons they soaked them over night...to speed cooking and its suppose to help with gas issues if they are soaked and rinsed...I have never done that, I just start mine early in the day...hummm think I might have to get a hock out of the freezer and cook up some white beans and ham! OH yummies too!
We don't have the same red beans here in Oregon like in Louisiana or least that was what I was told a long time ago. I know I only find red kidney beans in the store and that is not the same thing the lady I knew used, when we lived in the south and the friends we made from New Orleans she used to cook them every Monday...we were honored to share their dinner table a few times! She put sausages in her beans too...