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Old 06-18-2013, 12:14 PM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Testing Your Spiritual Gifts:

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
No, I'm not saying 'be afraid of being used by God'. The entire concept of 'using your spiritual gifts' however is an unbiblical emphasis that opens the door for all sorts of deceptions.
I believe that it can be overemphasized. However, I believe that after 22 years in the Pentecostal ranks every gift but speaking in tongues and interpretation is under-emphasized. Most are afraid to operate with Word of Wisdom, Word of Knowledge, Discernment of Spirits, and even Prophesy. We should equip and train believers on how to properly use the gifts that the Spirit has given them.

The 'gifts' are operations of the Spirit, as HE decides, when and where. We are to earnestly desire to be used by God, but especially to prophesy, but still keeping in mind these are operations of the Spirit. The gifts operate when we are in the Holy Ghost. Too many people have tried to reduce the gifts of the Spirit of God to a set of formulas that can be 'taught', or even go so far as to think they can be used 'at will'.
I believe that the Spirit gives them as He desires. However, I don’t see any example in the Bible wherein someone refused to cast out a devil because it was the wrong time or place. Same with healing. I’ve read examples of how a lack of faith caused one with spiritual power and authority not to move. I look at it like a weapon. If God gives the gift, it is our responsibility to learn how to properly hone that gift and use that gift with wisdom and responsibility.

The best chance of being used is to be in the Holy Ghost, and that requires prayer, and dedication. A lot of people unfortunately take the lead from charismatic 'word of faith' techings which stem from E. W. Kenyon... which is repackaged witchcraft, plain and simple.
I believe that a lack of prayer and dedication can stifle one’s gift. However, I believe that if one is “prayed up” and dedicated to the Lord they can “tap into” the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit and deploy the power as necessary.

It is interesting the Bible does not contain any 'study guides' or 'preferred techniques for finding and using your spiritual gifts', is it not?
The Bible may not provide a study guide, yet it is full of examples wherein men of prayer and fasting experienced visions, fell into trances, communicated the things of the Spirit, and cast out devils. Some things must be gained through experience and spiritual insight. And this takes time, desire, and opportunity to develop one’s gifts. I do read about a school of the prophets in the OT. I see Jesus counseling the disciples with regards to spiritual warfare and clear spiritual vision in several places.

Just be careful.
Amen. I intend to be.

I recommend 'The Spiritual Man' by Watchman Nee as a good primer on the subject. Although I disagree with many of his theories, he does have some very good things to say about the psychology of being hoodwinked by false and lying spirits.
I greatly respect the writings of Watchman Nee. However, I’m tired of the repeated “read this man’s book” mantra that I’ve gotten down through the years. What about YOUR experience in Word of Knowledge, Word of Wisdom, Prophecy, Discernment of Spirits, Healings, Faith, Miracles, Tongues, and Interpretation of Tongues? Why aren’t we personally testifying to the power of the Spirit through the operation of the gifts? We can’t quite tell the Devil to get back to us after reading Nee’s book. Lol

Since delving into these realms, I’ve seen supernatural manifestations of evil spirits. I’ve seen people oppressed demonstrating mood swings and personality shifts. I’ve encountered people suffering from oppression coming out of it a week later and apologizing truly stating that they didn’t know what was wrong. It was like they knew what they were doing and saying was wrong, but they felt compelled by an inner force to follow through with the tirade or action. I’ve learned how to allow myself to get “into the Spirit” and to stir up spiritual forces to validate their presence or prove that nothing is present. I’ve anointed houses and people with oil in prayer and watched as the home settle into peace once again. I’ve been able to “read” a person with snap shot images passing through my soul about what they must address in their spiritual or personal lives. I’ve interpreted tongues, something I found absolutely astounding because I had only done it once prior and my understanding of it as greatly broadened. I’ve had visions while driving, hanging out with friends, and while in prayer. I’ve learned the difference between what I call “inner vision”, “open heavens vision”, and “visions while in spiritual translation”. To God be the glory I’ve even been able to pick up on the “spirit” (or vibe) of a place and determine some of what has transpired there. I’ve actually learned how the dynamic of prayer and fasting works in combination and even why it is often necessary. God has opened my eyes to angelic realities and the presence of the Hosts of Heaven and how they empower, assist, and encourage us in spiritual warfare. All of this within the past 6 months or so. God has been amazingly good to me.
But I had to get the courage to step out and… surrender myself to these inner promptings that come so subtle, they are easily dismissed as imagination or wishful thinking.

Now, am I anything? NO. I’m not. Definitely not. I have my struggles, carnality, attitude, and humanity to contend with. I’m not different than the next guy. So I KNOW any born again child of God can delve into the deeper realities of the Spirit.
Avoid passivity.
Within the past 6 months, I’ve experienced everything but passivity. In fact, it’s been a miraculous and blessed adventure.
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Old 06-18-2013, 12:38 PM
RandyWayne RandyWayne is offline
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Re: Testing Your Spiritual Gifts:

If I could CHOOSE what Gift of the Spirit I had it would most definitely be telekinesis, followed closely by invisibility, laser vision and flight. Shoot, I would even add super strength to the mix.

Last edited by RandyWayne; 06-18-2013 at 12:40 PM.
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Old 06-18-2013, 12:53 PM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Testing Your Spiritual Gifts:

Originally Posted by RandyWayne View Post
If I could CHOOSE what Gift of the Spirit I had it would most definitely be telekinesis, followed closely by invisibility, laser vision and flight. Shoot, I would even add super strength to the mix.
Randy, let's be serious bro.

But it was funny. lol
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Old 06-18-2013, 01:03 PM
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Re: Testing Your Spiritual Gifts:

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
I believe that it can be overemphasized. However, I believe that after 22 years in the Pentecostal ranks every gift but speaking in tongues and interpretation is under-emphasized. Most are afraid to operate with Word of Wisdom, Word of Knowledge, Discernment of Spirits, and even Prophesy. We should equip and train believers on how to properly use the gifts that the Spirit has given them.
Perhaps I wasn't clear. I do not mean the gifts are over emphasized, I mean the mind set of 'looking for MY spiritual gift' produces the wrong emphasis - it emphasises what *I* am gonna do instead of what God is gonna do. A subtle difference, perhaps I am failing at the correct words to express what I'm getting at.

I believe that the Spirit gives them as He desires. However, I don’t see any example in the Bible wherein someone refused to cast out a devil because it was the wrong time or place. Same with healing. I’ve read examples of how a lack of faith caused one with spiritual power and authority not to move. I look at it like a weapon. If God gives the gift, it is our responsibility to learn how to properly hone that gift and use that gift with wisdom and responsibility.
See, that's what I'm talking about. I will try to find the right words to express my point, because honestly I think I am not expressing it very clearly.

I believe that a lack of prayer and dedication can stifle one’s gift. However, I believe that if one is “prayed up” and dedicated to the Lord they can “tap into” the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit and deploy the power as necessary.
We should not be man-centered, where we 'tap into' what 'we need'. I think we should be God-centered, where we allow God to 'tap into' US when He needs to operate - thus we should be ever ready to be used. Again, it's a subtle difference, but I have seen the difference in operation in people's lives, and I have seen a pattern of results, which prompts me to say what I've been saying here.

The Bible may not provide a study guide, yet it is full of examples wherein men of prayer and fasting experienced visions, fell into trances, communicated the things of the Spirit, and cast out devils. Some things must be gained through experience and spiritual insight. And this takes time, desire, and opportunity to develop one’s gifts. I do read about a school of the prophets in the OT. I see Jesus counseling the disciples with regards to spiritual warfare and clear spiritual vision in several places.
Yes, but the vast majority of 'spiritual gifts guides' on the market today are next to useless for real revival and a true Pentecostal experience.

I greatly respect the writings of Watchman Nee. However, I’m tired of the repeated “read this man’s book” mantra that I’ve gotten down through the years. What about YOUR experience in Word of Knowledge, Word of Wisdom, Prophecy, Discernment of Spirits, Healings, Faith, Miracles, Tongues, and Interpretation of Tongues? Why aren’t we personally testifying to the power of the Spirit through the operation of the gifts? We can’t quite tell the Devil to get back to us after reading Nee’s book. Lol
I mention Nee only because of his (to me, anyway) very clear and forthright analysis of the passive vs active states of mind. He confirms much of my own experience before I was a Christian. What is generally termed 'the occult' utilizes much of a passive state of mind. Many charismatics and now more and more Pentecostals who buy into the charismatic approach are slipping into passive states of mind 'to allow the gifts to flow' and it is not good.

As for my own experience, I have never experienced anything I would unreservedly call 'a moving of the Spirit of God' that was not preceded by and accompanied with a serious 'spirit of prayer' (for lack of a better term). Prophecy in my experience arises out of Holy Ghost-filled prayer, as does tongues and true interpretation, words of wisdom, knowledge, revelation, etc. And the same for healing and other miracles. It's like there is a 'flow', a lifestyle of being in the Spirit, which affects all things in your life, every moment, your speech, your living, your activities, your on the job persona, your family life, etc... and the charismata flow from that as a natural extension of the life of Christ in you.

BTW, I do not see 1 Cor 12 as a 'list of distinct gifts', but more generalised (see also Romans 12, I believe, for another 'list'). In other words, words of wisdom, knowledge, revelation, tongues, interpretation, prophesying, etc are all essentially the same thing - the Spirit moves and the believer speaks forth what is on the mind of the Spirit. Prayer should be the same way, as should teaching, singing, preaching, etc.

The church must be truly 'prophetic' in all it does to seriously claim to be Pentecostal.

Since delving into these realms, I’ve seen supernatural manifestations of evil spirits. I’ve seen people oppressed demonstrating mood swings and personality shifts. I’ve encountered people suffering from oppression coming out of it a week later and apologizing truly stating that they didn’t know what was wrong. It was like they knew what they were doing and saying was wrong, but they felt compelled by an inner force to follow through with the tirade or action. I’ve learned how to allow myself to get “into the Spirit” and to stir up spiritual forces to validate their presence or prove that nothing is present. I’ve anointed houses and people with oil in prayer and watched as the home settle into peace once again. I’ve been able to “read” a person with snap shot images passing through my soul about what they must address in their spiritual or personal lives. I’ve interpreted tongues, something I found absolutely astounding because I had only done it once prior and my understanding of it as greatly broadened. I’ve had visions while driving, hanging out with friends, and while in prayer. I’ve learned the difference between what I call “inner vision”, “open heavens vision”, and “visions while in spiritual translation”. To God be the glory I’ve even been able to pick up on the “spirit” (or vibe) of a place and determine some of what has transpired there. I’ve actually learned how the dynamic of prayer and fasting works in combination and even why it is often necessary. God has opened my eyes to angelic realities and the presence of the Hosts of Heaven and how they empower, assist, and encourage us in spiritual warfare. All of this within the past 6 months or so. God has been amazingly good to me.
But I had to get the courage to step out and… surrender myself to these inner promptings that come so subtle, they are easily dismissed as imagination or wishful thinking.
Just be careful, because there are other spirits that can suggest things to the mind and provide what is believed to be 'inner promptings'. Much of what you described I experienced prior to becoming a Christian. There are ways to learn to do such things. Those methods have been perfected over centuries and millennia of experimentation. Those methods are currently being imported into the Christian world via certain 'spiritual warfare' movements.

I am not saying you are possessed of a spirit of divination, of course. I am just saying as many who have gone before me have said - when a person enters the world of spiritual realities, they are in danger of being deceived. Satan does not present himself as the devil, but as as God. So much so that 'if it were possible even the very elect would be deceived'... which means it requires serious discernment. I am not trying to scare you off of anything, except I would say stay away from 'psychic reading' type situations... lol

Now, am I anything? NO. I’m not. Definitely not. I have my struggles, carnality, attitude, and humanity to contend with. I’m not different than the next guy. So I KNOW any born again child of God can delve into the deeper realities of the Spirit.
What do you think of the Wesleyan/holiness-Pentecostal doctrine of entire sanctification?

Within the past 6 months, I’ve experienced everything but passivity. In fact, it’s been a miraculous and blessed adventure.
By passivity, I mean in reference to a mental state preceding a spiritual experience. Passivity is dangerous. It is not 'be still and know I am God' but more of an 'empty your mind and quell your thoughts and let the force move' kind of thing, though not so blunt and obvious.
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Old 06-18-2013, 01:48 PM
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Re: Testing Your Spiritual Gifts:

very nice
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Old 06-18-2013, 02:19 PM
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Re: Testing Your Spiritual Gifts:

Originally Posted by Praxeas View Post
Sounds like a psychic reading with vague references that can be taken by a gullible and emotionally unstable person to mean anything relavent while ignoring the other stuff that were irrelevant. Thats not a supernatural gift.
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  5. That the Holy Ghost is for today and is received by faith with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues.
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Old 06-18-2013, 02:29 PM
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Re: Testing Your Spiritual Gifts:

Originally Posted by Praxeas View Post
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Conditional immortality proven - https://ia800502.us.archive.org/3/it...surrection.pdf

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Old 06-18-2013, 02:34 PM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Testing Your Spiritual Gifts:

You guys are too much. lol
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Old 06-18-2013, 02:39 PM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Testing Your Spiritual Gifts:

Hey, here's a question... why is it that if I were in a church building, wearing a suit, with a microphone, and saying the following, many would say it was inspired?
"Hold on, the Lord is speaking to me... Ma'am, I don't know who you are... you've been disappointed in love and that you've been let down by people you trusted. ....You have quite a bit of life experience that has brought you wisdom but no peace. You tend to have a lot of empathy for others, I see a big heart. You feel drawn to care for others. It will fulfill your desire to be serving a higher purpose. You also have many spiritual questions about God. I also see a church with open doors. The church has open doors... C'mon down to this altar."
However, if done one on one... people want to criticize? Since I'm a house churcher... individual prophesies are quite common.
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Old 06-18-2013, 02:40 PM
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Re: Testing Your Spiritual Gifts:

And why are some people bordering on being insulting, while I'm just exploring spiritual realities that God is drawing me to?
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