Re: OK to cut glorious hair for medical treatment?
Originally Posted by MarcBee
Yes. Jesus defended David's taking of the priest's shewbread--with no reference to "forgiveness of sin" or the like, but more so in the context of situational ethic. Of course, there's ways to spin the story, but Jesus said, "which was not lawful for him to eat."
According to bible, Yes. Rahab the Harlot made the gallery of the faithful (Heb.11) for her role in playing out a lie to save the good guys.
Spotted over Mississippi, headed for Alabam'.
Well I guess those poor ol' chaps dying in Africa and China and being persecuted in the Middle East are just ignorant of their freedom to do whatever they can to live.
What a convenient Christianity we have!
"The choices we make reveal the true nature of our character."