Originally Posted by CC1
Of course I would not be surprised to find that that number given his highly exaggerated. It seems hard to believe they would seriously consider more than a handful of names beyond the search committee.
Yeah, that number seems a bit high. But I figured that it would be a mess to try and search through all the names and applications that were put in.
Still, you would think they would be at least CLOSE to choosing somebody.
Or at least have it narrowed down to a very small handful of people?
I think whoever wins the pastorship for that church is knida like winning a jackpot. Maybe that is why so many have tried out.
It also makes me wonder who is really in it for what they can do for the church and who is in it for what the church can do for them?
It used to be years ago that people would pray over decisions like this and if God lead them to a church, things would work out in their favor and they would know God led them there.
Today at a lot of churches, politics seems to have taken over. When that does happen, then it is really no longer God who is in control, but man! (Sometimes I wonder what God thinks when that happens?)
Kinda sad when you think about it!
The church is not supposed to "belong" to one or two board members or even the entire congregation, it is HIS church! HE died and paid the price for it, you would think people would enquire of God what he wants for it.