Re: What's for Dinner Tonight?
I heard someone say once that when shopping at a grocery store, if you stay on the three outside walls of the store, hitting the produce, meat, and dairy sections, you are the safest as far as staying away from all the chemicals in the food.
Then when you begin to see how many chemicals are involved even in the production of meat, dairy and vegetables... it is scary to think of WHAT we can actually eat that isn't doing some kind of damage to our bodies!
Growing your own food is optimal, if possible so that you know what you are getting. Buying your meat from the locals is best, if they assure you they are not hormone-laden. Non pasteurized raw milk is the only way to go. Any other milk having been pasteurized is chemically altered, and difficult for our bodies to process.
Eating healthy without chemically laden foods is a challenge in the country we live in, to be sure!