Originally Posted by jen4yeshua
I think I'm up to chapter six, Ron. I have, and have had, had several friends and acquaintances who have either struggled with same sex attraction, or identify as gay, and I have noticed that within the gay community the strategies discussed in this book are often employed to gain victim status or to misrepresent those who challenge the belief that there's nothing wrong with living a gay lifestyle. It is a really interesting read,and I especially find the sections dealing with the link between homosexual acts and occult rituals very interesting. I see a lot of patterns and links in society in what I'm reading. Thanks for sharing it!
Your welcome! It is a fascinating read & sad to say, I hate there having to be a reason to read this book, but truth needs to be declared & warnings given.
I do believe that if a person is sincere & wants free of this life style, God can & will deliver them.
Don't give up on your friends & acquaintances!