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Old 02-01-2013, 03:13 PM
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Re: What is the purpose of a foot washing service?

Originally Posted by Ron View Post
You deserve it & I would recomend your books to anyone, anytime!
Thank you very much. The last book I published was a children's book. Although I think the content is just as appropirate for adults.
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Old 02-01-2013, 03:14 PM
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Re: What is the purpose of a foot washing service?

Originally Posted by Ron View Post
Uh, thanks!

I was begining to think there was a conspiracy!
No your good.
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Old 02-01-2013, 03:16 PM
LifeUncommon LifeUncommon is offline
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Re: What is the purpose of a foot washing service?

@Esther - I absolutely think we should serve others and be humble. That's what I've always thought that scripture was saying. And one of the reasons that the foot washing service befuddles me - it is not a service. No one at the foot washing services today come with dirty feet. It's nothing needful.

Are you saying you think it was more literal, in that Jesus was telling us we needed to wash each others feet literally? That's interesting. I've never heard it teached like that before. Do you have something to back you up on that interpretation as far as being able to tell from sentence structure, or in some other what, that is what was meant?

If so, lay it one me!!
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Old 02-01-2013, 03:19 PM
LifeUncommon LifeUncommon is offline
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Re: What is the purpose of a foot washing service?

Oh, and I do take bread and wine (when available, most churches only serve juice) in rememberance as often as possible - preferably weekly. Because Jesus said to do that in rememberance of him. He explained how the wine represented his blood and the bread represents his body.

That's clear to me. If the foot washing thing is meant to be literal, that is not at all clear to me.
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Old 02-01-2013, 03:20 PM
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Re: What is the purpose of a foot washing service?

Here's a rough draft of an article that I wrote for the no longer on line 90 & 9.
__________________________________________________ ___________________

When the announcement was made from the pulpit that we are going to have a foot washing next Sunday did your heart leap within you for joy or did you start making plans to be out of town?

I’m amazed we were able to do away with brethren greeting brethren “with an holy kiss” (2 Cor. 13:12) and somehow we have been able to realize slavery is just wrong even though the bible seems to say it’s OK. Even giving Christians instructions on how to treat your slave’s

Have you ever stopped to think why Jesus washed his disciples feet? Could it be that they just had disgustingly dirty feet.

We learn from Genesis that the people of that day would set aside a place where a guest might wash his feet (Gen. 18:4 , 19:2 , 24:32 , 43:24) they would bring the traveler water. Their guests washed their own feet, much like your overnight guest might use your shower facilities.

I’ve known of churches where foot washing was performed to humble the saints, usually when the pastor thought the saints were getting a bit out of hand (not happy with his ministry) and what could snap them back in line quicker than washing the pastor’s feet.

Stop for a moment and realize it was the Master that washed the feet of the servants, not vice versa. Realize he did this solely for the purpose to teach them to serve others and that the greater should be a servant to the lesser.

To wash their feet was a handy thing to do as there was water available there and because the disciples walked on dirty dusty trails and streets, unless perhaps it had recently rained. Then they would have been walking thru mud. Don’t forget that oxen and mules walked these same paths and it was quite possible to step in some “exhaust pollution” of that days mode of transportation. He washed their feet as a humble act of kindness and service to them because their feet were dirty and it was “customary” 2000 years ago that water basins, towels be provided for your guests to wash their own feet. If you owned a slave you might even have had your slave wash the feet of your guests.

When’s the last time you went to a foot washing and didn’t wash your feet and put on clean socks and a pair of shoes you hoped didn’t produce foot odor before you left home. Seriously my feet aren’t dirty. But my shoes could use a good shining. My car got pretty dirty driving to church, could you wash that for me please.

I shared these thoughts, tongue in cheek, with my pastor a few months ago. Months later as we planned for a good Friday service, we decided to share in a viewing of Mel Gibson’s The Passion and then take communion together. I was happy to say yes when pastor asked if I would want to help in “washing the saints cars” that Friday afternoon before our Good Friday service. So from 1 to 4 pm we washed any ones car who stopped by the church.

That is how car washin’ became a “ritual” at New Life Church , that is if we do it again.

Do we really want to be apostolic in what we do? If we follow Christ’s example we would perform a service to our brother or sister that would actually be of service to them. Remember, the disciples had dirty feet that needed washing. What a wonderful act of kindness the Master blessed them with.

But my feet are clean.

So many today view foot washing as, well , just so weird , even Apostolic’s and when Apostolic’s think something is weird, well that’s just scary.

The term “random acts of kindness” got stuck in my mind from something I read some time ago.
Think how blessed someone will feel when you bestow a “help” (1 Cor. 12:28) upon them. Take your mower and go mow someone’s lawn. Load up your snow blower and go clean out someone’s driveway. Take someone dinner. Watch their kids so they can have a night out and I’m sure you can think of 20 more random acts of kindness (or helps) that you can bestow on someone, that would mean so much more to them than washing their feet, which hopefully in our day and age of indoor plumbing with baths and showers, are already clean.

But you say they can easily cut their own grass or shovel their own snow…. and you’d be right.
I can also wash my own feet.

If we would allow ourselves to think about what was being taught to the disciples when Christ washed their feet ……well I just think we may have missed Christ’s intent on this lesson if we think washing someone’s “clean” feet is what our Lord wanted us to be doing here in America in this century.

I think there is laughter in heaven when Christ looks down at as us Apostolic’s and sees and hears some of the many things we major on. I wonder, will He look at some us when we get to the throne and say, “you spent all your time preaching about WHAT?

I hope that I may see the day that we Apostolic’s might better discern the scriptures and come to a realization that some things were written for doctrinal purpose’s and other’s were just written as a history of things they did in their day and time. Like that Holy Kiss thing. Really brother, I love ya, but a handshake will do me just fine.

Some tell me that is wishful thinking. That most of us made up our minds (or had them made up for us) many years ago. To think that you can challenge Apostolic’s to take a look at the scripture again, or perhaps read a book (gasp) with an open mind and actually think something other than that which was hammered into our minds long ago. Well, I’ve been told I’m just dreaming! I did go “north” of Fifty about four years ago, so I guess that would make me an “old man’, so I am well qualified then to “dream dreams” as stated in Acts 2:17.

So I’ll dream of a church with people who truly love one another and do humble acts of service to others in their demonstration’s of that love. If you stop by my house with a dirty car, I’ll probably wash it for you. Need a ride somewhere, I’ll try to accommodate. Need your house painted? I’d be glad to help.

But really, my feet are clean and hopefully yours too!
God has lavished his love upon me.
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Old 02-01-2013, 03:20 PM
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Re: What is the purpose of a foot washing service?

When we do men's ministry, some of the guys come straight from work and yep they bring some dirty and stinky tree climbers.......
Who art thou that judgest another man's servant? to his own master he standeth or falleth. Yea, he shall be holden up: for God is able to make him stand. (Romans 14:4)

Scripture is its own interpreter. Nothing can cut a diamond but a diamond. Nothing can interpret Scripture but Scripture" Thomas Watson.
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Old 02-01-2013, 03:24 PM
LifeUncommon LifeUncommon is offline
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Re: What is the purpose of a foot washing service?

Originally Posted by freeatlast View Post
Here's a rough draft of an article that I wrote for the no longer on line 90 & 9.
__________________________________________________ ___________________

When the announcement was made from the pulpit that we are going to have a foot washing next Sunday did your heart leap within you for joy or did you start making plans to be out of town?

I’m amazed we were able to do away with brethren greeting brethren “with an holy kiss” (2 Cor. 13:12) and somehow we have been able to realize slavery is just wrong even though the bible seems to say it’s OK. Even giving Christians instructions on how to treat your slave’s

Have you ever stopped to think why Jesus washed his disciples feet? Could it be that they just had disgustingly dirty feet.

We learn from Genesis that the people of that day would set aside a place where a guest might wash his feet (Gen. 18:4 , 19:2 , 24:32 , 43:24) they would bring the traveler water. Their guests washed their own feet, much like your overnight guest might use your shower facilities.

I’ve known of churches where foot washing was performed to humble the saints, usually when the pastor thought the saints were getting a bit out of hand (not happy with his ministry) and what could snap them back in line quicker than washing the pastor’s feet.

Stop for a moment and realize it was the Master that washed the feet of the servants, not vice versa. Realize he did this solely for the purpose to teach them to serve others and that the greater should be a servant to the lesser.

To wash their feet was a handy thing to do as there was water available there and because the disciples walked on dirty dusty trails and streets, unless perhaps it had recently rained. Then they would have been walking thru mud. Don’t forget that oxen and mules walked these same paths and it was quite possible to step in some “exhaust pollution” of that days mode of transportation. He washed their feet as a humble act of kindness and service to them because their feet were dirty and it was “customary” 2000 years ago that water basins, towels be provided for your guests to wash their own feet. If you owned a slave you might even have had your slave wash the feet of your guests.

When’s the last time you went to a foot washing and didn’t wash your feet and put on clean socks and a pair of shoes you hoped didn’t produce foot odor before you left home. Seriously my feet aren’t dirty. But my shoes could use a good shining. My car got pretty dirty driving to church, could you wash that for me please.

I shared these thoughts, tongue in cheek, with my pastor a few months ago. Months later as we planned for a good Friday service, we decided to share in a viewing of Mel Gibson’s The Passion and then take communion together. I was happy to say yes when pastor asked if I would want to help in “washing the saints cars” that Friday afternoon before our Good Friday service. So from 1 to 4 pm we washed any ones car who stopped by the church.

That is how car washin’ became a “ritual” at New Life Church , that is if we do it again.

Do we really want to be apostolic in what we do? If we follow Christ’s example we would perform a service to our brother or sister that would actually be of service to them. Remember, the disciples had dirty feet that needed washing. What a wonderful act of kindness the Master blessed them with.

But my feet are clean.

So many today view foot washing as, well , just so weird , even Apostolic’s and when Apostolic’s think something is weird, well that’s just scary.

The term “random acts of kindness” got stuck in my mind from something I read some time ago.
Think how blessed someone will feel when you bestow a “help” (1 Cor. 12:28) upon them. Take your mower and go mow someone’s lawn. Load up your snow blower and go clean out someone’s driveway. Take someone dinner. Watch their kids so they can have a night out and I’m sure you can think of 20 more random acts of kindness (or helps) that you can bestow on someone, that would mean so much more to them than washing their feet, which hopefully in our day and age of indoor plumbing with baths and showers, are already clean.

But you say they can easily cut their own grass or shovel their own snow…. and you’d be right.
I can also wash my own feet.

If we would allow ourselves to think about what was being taught to the disciples when Christ washed their feet ……well I just think we may have missed Christ’s intent on this lesson if we think washing someone’s “clean” feet is what our Lord wanted us to be doing here in America in this century.

I think there is laughter in heaven when Christ looks down at as us Apostolic’s and sees and hears some of the many things we major on. I wonder, will He look at some us when we get to the throne and say, “you spent all your time preaching about WHAT?

I hope that I may see the day that we Apostolic’s might better discern the scriptures and come to a realization that some things were written for doctrinal purpose’s and other’s were just written as a history of things they did in their day and time. Like that Holy Kiss thing. Really brother, I love ya, but a handshake will do me just fine.

Some tell me that is wishful thinking. That most of us made up our minds (or had them made up for us) many years ago. To think that you can challenge Apostolic’s to take a look at the scripture again, or perhaps read a book (gasp) with an open mind and actually think something other than that which was hammered into our minds long ago. Well, I’ve been told I’m just dreaming! I did go “north” of Fifty about four years ago, so I guess that would make me an “old man’, so I am well qualified then to “dream dreams” as stated in Acts 2:17.

So I’ll dream of a church with people who truly love one another and do humble acts of service to others in their demonstration’s of that love. If you stop by my house with a dirty car, I’ll probably wash it for you. Need a ride somewhere, I’ll try to accommodate. Need your house painted? I’d be glad to help.

But really, my feet are clean and hopefully yours too!
Love it. Thank you!!
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Old 02-01-2013, 03:24 PM
LongGone LongGone is offline
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Re: What is the purpose of a foot washing service?

Originally Posted by Esther View Post
I do not now.

If you are interested I have three books and you can PM for more information.

Please do.
You ask why I am happy so I'll just tell you why,
Because my sins are gone;
And when I meet the scoffers who ask me where they are,
I say, "My sins are gone."

They're underneath the blood on the cross of Calvary,
As far removed as darkness is from dawn;
In the sea of God's forgetfulness, that's good enough for me,
Praise God, my sins are gone.
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Old 02-01-2013, 03:42 PM
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Re: What is the purpose of a foot washing service?

Originally Posted by LifeUncommon View Post
@Esther - I absolutely think we should serve others and be humble. That's what I've always thought that scripture was saying. And one of the reasons that the foot washing service befuddles me - it is not a service. No one at the foot washing services today come with dirty feet. It's nothing needful.

Are you saying you think it was more literal, in that Jesus was telling us we needed to wash each others feet literally? That's interesting. I've never heard it teached like that before. Do you have something to back you up on that interpretation as far as being able to tell from sentence structure, or in some other what, that is what was meant?

If so, lay it one me!!
John 13:14 If I then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet; ye also ought to wash one another's feet.
:15 For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you.

I don't see where any confusion can be in these scriptures. He plainly said you "ought" to wash each others feet.

"ought" 1. have a duty; be obliged: [you ought to obey your parents] 2. be right or suitable [it ought to be allowed] 3. be wise [I ought to go before it rains] 4. be expected: [ at your age you ought to know better] 5. be very likely: the fastest one ought to win the race
syn. 1. must, should
Thorndike Barnhart Dictionary

To me here He is saying you MUST I have given you an example of what I want you to do.

How is that confusing?
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Old 02-01-2013, 03:51 PM
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Re: What is the purpose of a foot washing service?

Originally Posted by freeatlast View Post
Here's a rough draft of an article that I wrote for the no longer on line 90 & 9.
__________________________________________________ ___________________

When the announcement was made from the pulpit that we are going to have a foot washing next Sunday did your heart leap within you for joy or did you start making plans to be out of town?

I’m amazed we were able to do away with brethren greeting brethren “with an holy kiss” (2 Cor. 13:12) and somehow we have been able to realize slavery is just wrong even though the bible seems to say it’s OK. Even giving Christians instructions on how to treat your slave’s

Have you ever stopped to think why Jesus washed his disciples feet? Could it be that they just had disgustingly dirty feet.

We learn from Genesis that the people of that day would set aside a place where a guest might wash his feet (Gen. 18:4 , 19:2 , 24:32 , 43:24) they would bring the traveler water. Their guests washed their own feet, much like your overnight guest might use your shower facilities.

I’ve known of churches where foot washing was performed to humble the saints, usually when the pastor thought the saints were getting a bit out of hand (not happy with his ministry) and what could snap them back in line quicker than washing the pastor’s feet.

Stop for a moment and realize it was the Master that washed the feet of the servants, not vice versa. Realize he did this solely for the purpose to teach them to serve others and that the greater should be a servant to the lesser.

To wash their feet was a handy thing to do as there was water available there and because the disciples walked on dirty dusty trails and streets, unless perhaps it had recently rained. Then they would have been walking thru mud. Don’t forget that oxen and mules walked these same paths and it was quite possible to step in some “exhaust pollution” of that days mode of transportation. He washed their feet as a humble act of kindness and service to them because their feet were dirty and it was “customary” 2000 years ago that water basins, towels be provided for your guests to wash their own feet. If you owned a slave you might even have had your slave wash the feet of your guests.

When’s the last time you went to a foot washing and didn’t wash your feet and put on clean socks and a pair of shoes you hoped didn’t produce foot odor before you left home. Seriously my feet aren’t dirty. But my shoes could use a good shining. My car got pretty dirty driving to church, could you wash that for me please.

I shared these thoughts, tongue in cheek, with my pastor a few months ago. Months later as we planned for a good Friday service, we decided to share in a viewing of Mel Gibson’s The Passion and then take communion together. I was happy to say yes when pastor asked if I would want to help in “washing the saints cars” that Friday afternoon before our Good Friday service. So from 1 to 4 pm we washed any ones car who stopped by the church.

That is how car washin’ became a “ritual” at New Life Church , that is if we do it again.

Do we really want to be apostolic in what we do? If we follow Christ’s example we would perform a service to our brother or sister that would actually be of service to them. Remember, the disciples had dirty feet that needed washing. What a wonderful act of kindness the Master blessed them with.

But my feet are clean.

So many today view foot washing as, well , just so weird , even Apostolic’s and when Apostolic’s think something is weird, well that’s just scary.

The term “random acts of kindness” got stuck in my mind from something I read some time ago.
Think how blessed someone will feel when you bestow a “help” (1 Cor. 12:28) upon them. Take your mower and go mow someone’s lawn. Load up your snow blower and go clean out someone’s driveway. Take someone dinner. Watch their kids so they can have a night out and I’m sure you can think of 20 more random acts of kindness (or helps) that you can bestow on someone, that would mean so much more to them than washing their feet, which hopefully in our day and age of indoor plumbing with baths and showers, are already clean.

But you say they can easily cut their own grass or shovel their own snow…. and you’d be right.
I can also wash my own feet.

If we would allow ourselves to think about what was being taught to the disciples when Christ washed their feet ……well I just think we may have missed Christ’s intent on this lesson if we think washing someone’s “clean” feet is what our Lord wanted us to be doing here in America in this century.

I think there is laughter in heaven when Christ looks down at as us Apostolic’s and sees and hears some of the many things we major on. I wonder, will He look at some us when we get to the throne and say, “you spent all your time preaching about WHAT?

I hope that I may see the day that we Apostolic’s might better discern the scriptures and come to a realization that some things were written for doctrinal purpose’s and other’s were just written as a history of things they did in their day and time. Like that Holy Kiss thing. Really brother, I love ya, but a handshake will do me just fine.

Some tell me that is wishful thinking. That most of us made up our minds (or had them made up for us) many years ago. To think that you can challenge Apostolic’s to take a look at the scripture again, or perhaps read a book (gasp) with an open mind and actually think something other than that which was hammered into our minds long ago. Well, I’ve been told I’m just dreaming! I did go “north” of Fifty about four years ago, so I guess that would make me an “old man’, so I am well qualified then to “dream dreams” as stated in Acts 2:17.

So I’ll dream of a church with people who truly love one another and do humble acts of service to others in their demonstration’s of that love. If you stop by my house with a dirty car, I’ll probably wash it for you. Need a ride somewhere, I’ll try to accommodate. Need your house painted? I’d be glad to help.

But really, my feet are clean and hopefully yours too!
Although I commend you for your acts of kindness, which are also scriptural, I believe you are choosing for yourself what you want to wash vs what God said to wash. I am reminded of the scripture to not add or take away from scripture unless you be cursed. Even though the cars you wash may be dirty and the feet or not, it is a matter of obedience not sacrifice.

Also, as a point to you implying the apostles feet were dirty when Jesus knelt to wash them, I doubt that since they had already been in the home and as you correctly stated they would have someone wash/rinse the dirt off their feet when they entered.

Again, I wish to caution this generation to beware of deception and don't be deceived into not obeying the scriptures.

You take communion that is not blood and flesh do you not? What is the difference?
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